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செவ்வாய், 23 ஆகஸ்ட், 2016

latest Books & Authors important for IBPS Bank Exams, SSC, UPSC and other Competitive Exams

Complete list of latest Books & Authors important for IBPS Bank Exams, SSC, UPSC and other Competitive Exams
● Amartya Sen : Identity and violence: The Illusion of Destiny, Argumentative Indian
● Al Gore : An Inconvenient Truth, The Assault on Reason
● Alison Moore : The Lighthouse
● Anita Nair : Ladies Coupe
● Andrew Boyle : The Climate of Treason
● Andersen : The Little Mermaid, King's Clothers.
● Arnold Tonybee : Mankind and Mother Earth
● Alan Hollinghurst : The Line of Beauty, The Swimming Pool Library, The Folding Star
● Amrita Pritam : Death of a City, Shadows of words: An Autobiography, Pinjar
● Aladi Aruna : Unfederal Features of Indian Constitution
● Antony Copley : Hinduism in public and private-Reform, Hindutva; Gender and Sampraday
● Mulk Raj Anand : The Village, The Golden Breath, The Coolie, Two Leaves and a Bud, Across the Black Waters
● A.G. Noorani : Islam and Jehad, The Babri Masjid Question- A matter of National Honour
● Aijaz Ahmad : On Communalism and Globalisation, Offensives of the far right
● Aldous Huxley : Antic Hay, Ends and Means, Travel Books, Grey Eminence, Brave New World Revisited
● B.G. Verghese : Warrior of The Fourth Estate: Ramnath Goenka of the Express
● Bana Bhatta : Kadambari, Harshacharita.
● J.M. Barrie : Peter Pan, What Every Woman Knows, A Kiss for Cinderella
● L. Beethoven : Moonlight Sonata, Fidelio and the Ninth Symphony
● Sir Richard Burton : Arabian Nights
● Bankim Chandra Chatterjee : Anandmath, Kapal Kundala, Durgesh Nandini, Vish Vriksha, Chandra Shekhar.
● Bill Gates : Business, The speed of thought, The Road Ahead
● Albert Camus : The Plague, The Rebel
● Anton Chekov : The Cherry Orchard, The Three Sisters
● Colleen Mc Cullough : Thorn Birds
● Christopher Wakling : Beneath the Diamond Sky
● Chandra Shekhar : Dynamics of Social Change
● Charles Darwin : The Origin of Species, Descent of man.
● Alexandre Dumas : Three Musketeers
● John Dryden : All for Love, Absalom and Achitophel
● Deepak Chopra : The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
● David Davidar : The House of Blue Mangoes
● David Stevenson : Armaments and the Coming of War
● Don Miguel Ruiz : The Four Agreements
● Dominique Lapierre and Javier Moro : It was Five Past-Midnight in Bhopal
● Stephenie Meyer : Eclipse
● Edgar Snow : Red Star Over China
● Rohinton Mistry : Family Matters
● Francois Gautier : A Western Journalist on India
● Edward. M. Forster : A Passage to India, Maurice
● George Bernard Shaw : Androcles and the Lion
● Gopichand Narang : Tapish Naam-E-Tammna
● Gunter Grass : The Flounder, The Tin Drum, Cat and Mouse, My Century etc.
● Ghalib : Urdu and Persian
● Gita Mehta : Snakes and Ladders: Essays on India
● Guy de Maupassant : A Woman's Life
● Anthony Hope : The Prisoner of Zenda
● Harold Robbins : Never Enough
● Hilary Mantel : Bring up the Bodies
● Henry Mortou Robinson : The Cardinal
● Indra Sinha : Animals People
● Jaswant Singh : Jinnah-India Partition - Independence
● John Grisham : Playing for Pizza
● Indira Goswami : The shadow of Kamakhya, Chhinqmasta
● Irving Wallace : The R Document
● James Baldwin : The Fire Next Time
● Jeremy Scahill : Black Water
● Ben Jonson : Every Man in his Humour, Silent Woman, Alchemist
● John Grisham : A Painted House
● JRR Tolkein : The Lord of the Rings
● Joyce, James : Ulysses, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
● Javed Akhtar : Quiver (Tar-kash)
● Jullian Barnes : The Sense of an Ending
● Jacques Chirac : A New France
● Jyotirmaya Sharma : Hindutva- Exploring the India of Hindu Nationalism
● J.M. Lyngdoh : Chronicle of an Impossible Election
● Katherine Frank : Life of Indira, Nehru, Gandhi
● Khalid Rashid : Jhelum Factor
● Kanti Bajpai : Kargil & After, Challenges for Indian Policy
● Kazi Nazrul Islam : Agni Veena
● Karl Marx : Das Capital
● Khaled Hosseini : A Thousand Splendid Suns
● Kiran Bedi and Parminder Singh : E-Governance Opportunities of India
● Kiran Nagarkar : The Extras
● Kapil Dev : By God's Decree
● Lajpat Rai : Unhappy India
● Mikhail Sholokbov : And Quiet Flows the Don
● Milan Kundera : The Joke
● Madeline Miler : The Song of Achilles
● Mukul Kesavan : Secular Common Sense
● Mike Marqusee : Anyone But England
● Maroof Raza : Generals and governments in India & Pakistan
● M. K. Gandhi : The Story of My Experiments With Truth, Indian Home Rule, Conquest of Self, Self-restraint vs Self-indulgence. My Early Life, Non-violence in Peace and War
● Mark Tully : Non-Stop India
● Margaret Atwood : The Blind Assassin
● Major Sulakshan Mohan : India's Nuclear Leaf
● Martin Amis : The War against Cliché
● Mario Puzo : The Family, The Godfather
● Mala Sen : India's Bandit Queen: The true story of Phoolan Devi
● R. K. Narayan : The Guide, Waiting for the Mahatma, Memories of Malgudi
● N.A. Palkhiwala : We the Nation, The Lost Decades
● Nelson Mandela : Long walk to freedom, The Struggle in My Life
● Sarojini Naidu : The Sceptred
● Namita Gokhale : Present Tense-Living on the Edge
● Jawaharlai Nehru : The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History
● Surya Kant Nirala : Juhi Ki Kali, Tulsi Ka Gyan Bodh
● Omar Khayyam : The Rubaiyat
● Octavio Paz : Sun Stone
● Prabha Atre : Enlisting the Listener
● Pearl S. Buck : Good Earth
● Boris Pasternak : Dr. Zhivago
● Penelope Leach : Baby and Child
● Prof D.N. Jha : Holy Cow: Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions
● P.C. Alexander : Through the Carr-idors of Power-An Insider's Story
● Pervez Musharraf : In the Line of Fire: A Memoir
● Munshi Prem Chand : Rang Bhwni, Kaya Kalp, Godan, Prem Basti, Soz-i- Watan.
● Romain Rolland : Mahatma Gandhi, Ramakrishna; Jean Christopher
● Robin Cook : Abduction, Shock
● Richard Bernstein : Ultimate Journey
● R. Venkatraman : My Presidential Years
● R.M. Lala : For the Love of India
● Rudyard Kipling : Kim, Jungle Book, The Light That 'Failed'
● Rajagopalachari, C: The Fatal Cart, Reconciliation - Why and How
● Sunil Gavaskar : Sunny Days
● Sheikh Mujibur Rahman : Friends & Foes
● Simone de Beauvoir : The Second Sex
● Sunil Gangopadhyay : First light
● Stephen Hawking : A Brief History of Time, The Universe in a Nut Shell.
● S.S. Gill : Gandhi A Sublime failure
● Stanley Wol-port : The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi
● S.K. Majumdar : Jinnah and Gandhi
● Samuel P. Huntington : Clash of Civilizations
● Steve Waugh : Out of My Comfort Zones
● Strobe Talbott : Engaging India-Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb
● R.N. Tagore : Gora, The Wreck, The Gardener, The Post Office, The King of Dark Chamber, Crescent Moon, Home and the World
● Toni Morrison : Beloved
● Thomas Hobbes : Leviathan
● Tok Johnson : Through Little Tails and The Treat Floor
● T.N. Seshan : Regeneration of India-2001
● Thomas Paine : Common Sense
● The Garden of Evening Mists : Tan Twan Eng
● A. Tennyson : The Lady of Shalott, Idylls of the King
● Tony Kusher : Angels in America
● VP Singh : Manzil se Jyada Safar
● Vladimir Putin : Judo-History: Theory & Practice
● Vatsyayana : Kamasutra
● Vishnu Sharma : Panchatantra
● V. S. Naipaul : India: A wounded civilization, A Bend in the River, Half a life, The Adventures of Gurudeva, A House for Mr. Biswas
● H.G. Wells : The Shape of Things to Come, Time Machine
● W. Wordsworth : Ode to Duty, The Prelude, Solitary Reaper, Tintern Abbey
● William Kennedy : Very Old Bones
● Yves Thoraval : The Cinemas of India (1896-2000)
● Z.A. Bhutto : If I am Assassinated 

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