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புதன், 4 மே, 2016

General knowledge Questions and Answers

Repeated General knowledge Questions and Answers:

1. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and connected properryl? – Booting

2. What is the combination of operating system and processor in a computer? – Specifications
3. What are the peripheral devices such as printers and monitors considered? – Hardware
4. What term used to define all input and output devices in a computer system? – hardware

5. An assembler is used to translate a program written in which language? – Assembly language
6. What is the copying computer program or software without permission of its author? – Software piracy
7. Word processing, spreadsheet and photo-editing are examples of which softwares? – application software
8. What is a small group of computers and peripherals linked together in a small geographic area? – LAN
9. What is a word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document? – Hyperlink
10. Several computers linked to a server to share programs and storage space, what is this? – Network

11. Which device that connects to a network without the use of cables? – Wireless
12. What is the most important or powerful computer in a typical network? – Network server
13. In a relations database, tables are logically linked to each other by a which thing? – Key
14. What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer network? – Printers
15. Network components are connected to the same cable in the which topology? – Bus
16. Which folder retains copies of messages that you have started but are not yet ready to send? – Drafts
17. What is a popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom? – E-learning
18. What makes it possible for shoppers to make purchases using their computers? – E-Commerce
19. Which are the programs such as Internet Explorer that serve as navigable windows into the Web? – Web browsers
20. What is composed of several computers connected together to share resources and data? – Internet
21. What does consist of one or more Web pages located on a Web server? – A web site
22. Mr. XYZ want to send an electronic message to a friend. He should use which type of application? – E-mail
23. To view information on the web, what must you must have? – Web browser
24. Which Coded entries are used to gain access to a computer system? – Passwords
25. Which devices are used to transmit data over telecommunications lines? – Modems
26. A Web site address is a unique name, what does that identifies? – A specific Website on the web
27. What is the vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world? – Internet
28. What does allow voice conversations to travel over the Internet? – Internet telephony
29. Which software program used to view Web pages? – browser
30. If you are going to a site you use often, instead of having to type in the address every time, what should you do? – Bookmark it
31. Which Output is made up of pictures, sounds, and video? – Multimedia
32. By which name also called the web, contains billions of documents? – World Wide Web
33. Which software that allows users to surf the internet? – Browser
34. What is a set of rules that computer on a network use to communicate with each other? – Protocol
35. An email account includes a storage area, what is often called? – Mailbox
36. Which program is designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to infect other computers? – Virus
37. What is the process of a computer receiving information from a server on the internet? – Downloading
38. What is the most common way to get a virus in your computers hard disk? – By opening e-mails
39. Most websites have a main page, which acts as a doorway to the rest of the website pages what is its name? – Home page
40. What is the Secret code that restricts entry in the same programs? – Password
41. which is a device that uses for data transmission through telecommunication line? – Modem
42. What does allow you to access objects and start programs? – Start menu
43. What is a small image that represents a program, an instruction, a file, or some other object? – Icon
44. What is an icon on the desktop that provides a user with immediate access to a program or file? – Shortcut
45. What is the portion that shows all the choices you can make while working in a window? – Menu bar
46. What contains commands that can be selected? – Menu
47. Generally, you access the recycle bin through an icon, where is this located? – On the desktop
48. When you install a new program on your computer, where is it typically added? – All programs menu
49. Something which has easily-understood instructions, what is said to be? – Analog data
50. What contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands? – Toolbar
51. What is the Screen that comes on when you turn on your computer that shows all the icons? – Desktop
52. Which types of application software today comes with an interface? – Graphical user interface
53. What of software contains lists of commands and option? – Menu bar
54. What is a small arrow or blinking symbol on desktop? – Cursor
55. What are lists of commands that appear on the screen? – Menus
56. What is the rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data and / or information? – Window
57. What contains commands that can be selected? – Menu
58. Data that is copied from an application, where is stored? – In the clipboard
59. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT are known as what? – Operating systems
60. What is a blinking indicator that shows you where your next action will happen? – Cursor
61. What is a symbol on the screen that represents a disk, document or program that you can select? – Icon
62. What is to insert a copy of the clipboard contents, whatever was last cut or copied at the insertion point? – Paste
63. What is a graphical representation of an application? – Icon
64. Which menu type is also called a drop down menu? – Pull-down
65. What is the term used to describe the window that is currently being used? – Active Window
66. We can replace a font an all sides with another font using the which option? – Format, Replace Fonts
67. For opening and closing of a file in excel, you can use which bar? – Standard
68. For creating a document, you use which command at file menu? – New
69. Data (information) is stored in computers as what? – Files
70. What is to exit the program without leaving the application? – Cart away
71. What includes the file name and possibly a directory of folder? – File directory
72. Which type of file is created by word processing program? – Document file
73. What is to add or put into your document such as a picture or text use? – Insert
74. What is the main folder on a storage device called? – Root Directory
75. Items such as names and addresses are considered by which name? – Records
76. A telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name are all examples of which thing? – A database
77. What is the name a user assigns to a document called? – Filename
78. What is the main folder on a storage device called? – Root directory
79. Which elements of a word document can be displayed in colour? – All elements
80. Which Software you can use to create a budget? – Spreadsheet software

81. When you want to move some text from one page to a different page, what is the best method? – cut and past
82. What is in text that you want printed at the bottom of the page? – Footer
83. To find a saved document in the computer’s memory and bring it up on the screen to view, what? – Retrieve
84. What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account? – Word processing
85. What is a default file extension for all Word documents? – DOC
86. What are the different styles of lettering in a word processing program? – Font
87. Editing document consists of reading through the document you’ve created, then what happens? – Correcting your errors
88. What is a collection of information saved as a unit? – File
89. Numbers and formulae entered in a cell, what are called? – Numeric entries
90. In which group do we work at the time of text formatting in Word? – Table, paragraph and indexes
91. A chart can be put as a part of the representation using which commonds? – Insert>Chart
92. In a spreadsheet program, which contains related worksheets and documents? – Workbook
93. To save an existing file with new name at new location, what should we should use? – Save as command
94. What is a unique name that you give to a file of information? – File name
95. What is a document means to make changes to its existing content? – Edit
96. Which application is commonly used to prepare a presentation/ slide show? – Power Point
97. What is a periodically adding, changing and deleting file records called? – Updating
98. What is a collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit? – File
99. A command that saves what you are working on into the hard drive,? – Save
100. What is a command to get a file you worked on from the memory where it was stored? – Open

1. Trunk of tree increases in grith due to cell division in which tissue? – Meristematic tissue
2. Which tissue in cells have lost the capicity of cell division? – Permanent tissue
3. Which scientist studied about wheat rust problem? – K. C. Mehta
4. Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in which from? – Nitrates
5. Which fungus is responsible for disease late blight of potato? – Phytophthora infestans
6. Which is responsible for red rot of sugarcane? – Collectorichum falcatum
7. Which stage of development of insect is most harmful for crop? – Caterpillar
8. In India famous Bengal famine accurred in 1942 by which disease? – Leaf spot of rice
9. Which factors are most responsible for disease in plant? – Fungi
10. Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut? – Cercosplora personata

11. Which animals who have constant body temperature? – Homeothermic
12. What is treatment of body defects through massage and exercise? – Physiotherapy
13. What is making interesting discoveries unexpectedly or by accident? – Serendipity
14. What is Study of growth and development of embryo? – Embryology
15. Which branch of biology is concerned with study and function of internal organ of organism? – Physiology
16. Which branch of science deal with the study of causative agent of disease? – Etiology
17. What is the Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure called? – Sphygmology
18. Which branch of biology deals with the study of processing and preservation of food? – Food technology
19. What is the Study of the effects of toxic chemical substance on animal and plant? – Toxicology
20. What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man? – Dermatology
21. The release of which fish into wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes? – Gambusia fish
22. Which animal lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly? – Echidna
23. How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm? – Four
24. Which substance found in blood which helps in cloting? – Fibrinogen
25. Which worm reach into intestine of human by eating leaf? – Tape worm
26. Which is the phylum that includes exclusively marine animal? – Echinodermata
27. Which organs has its own wave of autonomic excitation? – Heart
28. What is the short upper part of human intestine next to the stomach? – Duodenum
29. A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles? – Latic Acid
30. In the retina of eye cells what is present for colour differentiation? – Cones
31. Which gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin? – Pancrease
32. What is considered as the easily digestable source of protein? – Soyabean
33. What percentage of water found in blood plasma of human? – 91 to 92%
34. Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman’s capsule? – Afferent arteriole
35. Bu which antibodies are produced in the plasma of blood? – Lymphocytes
36. Which enzyme take part in digestion of milk protein? – Rennin
37. Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep? – Hypothalmus
38. Blood Coagualtion is prevented by which chemical when it flow through artery and vein? – Heparin
39. Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA? – Mitochondria
40. What is infolding from the inner membrane of mitochondria called? – Cristae
41. In a living cell what is the site of ribosome formation? – Nucleolus
42. What do both respiration and photosynthesis require? – Cytochromes
43. In absence of ribosome in cell which function does not takes place? – Protein synthesis
44. Deficiency of which vitamin, causes xerophthelmia? – Vitamin A
45. Which antimicrobial drug is suitable for treatment of both tuberculosis and leprosy? – Rifampicin
46. Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as which name? – Vectors
47. Pneumoconiosis affects the workers who work mainly in which industry? – Coal mining industry
48. Lathyrism is caused by excessive consumption of which thing? – Khesari Dal
49. Which part of blood carry out the function of body defence? – White blood cell
50. Which disease is caused due to presence of excess arsenic in water? – Skin Cancer
51. What is the transmission of characters from one generation to next? – Heredity
52. Who got noble prize for artificial synthesis of DNA? – Kornberg
53. What is the smallest part of DNA that undergoes recombination? – Recon
54. By whom was Artificial gene synthesis first done in laboratory? – Khurana
55. By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced? – Herbert Spencer
56. From the evolutionary point of view, which is the most primitive animal? – Turtle
57. Which was the Russian scientist who proposed the theory of origin of life? – Oparin
58. Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? – Darwin
59. Which is most primitive ancestor of man ? – Australopithecus
60. Which harmful element tobacoo exists in tobacoo ? – Nicotine
61. What is abiotic component of ecosystem? – Water
62. What is Study of inter relationship between living organism and their environment? – Ecology
63. Epiphytes are plant which depend on other plants for which purpose? – Mechanical support
64. What amount of energy transfered from one trophic level to next? – 10%
65. Plant and animal living in a particular area, what is it called? – Community
66. Reduced leaves and sunken stomata are the main feature of which thing? – Xerophytes
67. What ratio of forest area needed for ecologycal balance in India? – 33.3%
68. Ultimate environmental hazard to mankind, why? – Due to Nuclear pollution
69. Sound become hazardous noise pollution at which level? – Above 80 dB
70. Which energy do not have the problem of pollution? – Sun
71. Which air pollutant affect the nervous system of man? – Lead
72. By which is the Atmosphere of big metropolition cities is polluted most? – Automobile exhausts
73. National Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in which city? – Nagpur
74. Edward Jenner is related with which disease? – Small pox
75. Which Scientist first explained about circulatory system? – William Harvey
76. Who discovered Anopheles mosquito transmit malaria? – Ronal ross
77. Who discovered the causal organism of the disease Anthrax? – Robert Koch
78. Which Scientists has established the ‘Phylum Annelida’? – Lamark
79. Which Biologist proposed the theory of Germ plasm? – Weisman
80. For which is the southern blot technique used for the detection? – DNA

81. For which is the northern blot technique used for the detection? – RNA
82. What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype? – Immunisation
83. Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice ? – Vitamin A
84. Human protein x –1 – antitrysin is used for which disease? – Emphysama
85. Which type of cell has the ability to develop into any type of all ? – Stem cell
86. What is the percentage of land area covered under forest according to Indian Forest policy? – 33%
87. Which organisation is responsible for maintaing Red data book? – IUGN
88. What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics? – Deforestation
89. What is the number of plant species estimated to be present in India? – 40,000
90. Which group has the highest number of endangered species ? – Reptiles
91. Silent valley having rare plant and animal is located in which state? – Kerala
92. Which is the first national park established in India? – Corbet
93. Insectivorous plant generally grow in soil which is deficient in which gas? – Nitrogen
94. What is one-way relationship where one species benefits at the expense of another is called? – Parasitism
95. What is symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit’ is best described? – Mutualism
96. Which of a species describes the tropic function it fills in its environment? – Niche
97. What is the least influential in determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes? – Salinity
98. What is the term for the maximum number of individuals that an area can support indefinitely? – Carrying capacity
99. The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in which year? – 1985
100. Which animals have a diet mainly consisting of bamboo? – Red pandas

1. Which are the fundamental particles present in equal numbers in neutral atoms? – Protons and electrons
2. Where has an advanced water management system of Harappan times been unearthed? – At Dholavira
3. Which is the farthest planet to the Sun? – Neptune 
4. What is the fact that support the concept that viruses are living is that? – Multiply themselves
5. The Indian Legislature was made bi-cameral for the first time by which act? – The Government of India Act, of 1919
6. Which is a development expenditure? – Irrigation expenditure 
7. In which is an application of Bernoulli’s equation for fluid flow found? – Dynamic lift of an aeroplane
8. When was the first ‘International Non-Smoking Day’ observed all over the world? – 04.07.1988
9. Which Indian has been recently appointed as a ‘chief economist’ by world bank? – Kaushik Basu
10. The doctrine of three jewels-Right belief, Right conduct and Right knowledge-is the crownings glory of which religion? – Jainism

11. Which feature is the product of vulcancity ? – Atoll
12. Who was the Chairman of the Union Power Committee of Constituent Assembly of India? – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
13. Why has the Green Revolution not been as green as if has been made out to be? – because it is confined only to wheat
14. When the external torque on a system is zero, there will be conservation of its how much energy? – Total energy
15. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wave length? – Infra red rays 
16. Which plant will lose its economic value if its fruits are produced by parthenocarpy? – Pomegranate
17. In which field ‘Aachan Maharaj’ has distinguished himself? – Dance 
18. Which dynasty did rule over Magadha after Nanda dynasty? – Maurya
19. What is Separating the mesosphere from the stratosphere transition zone called? – Stratopause
20. At which of its session, did the Congress officially accept the ‘Socialistic Pattern of Society’ ? – Avadi Session of 1955
21. The Rolling Plan concept in national planning was introduced by which government? – The Janata Party Government
22. The wavelength of the radiation emitted by a body depends upon which thing? – The temperature of the surface
23. The á-particle carries two positive charges. Its mass is very nearly equal to that of which element? – an atom of helium
24. Which root contain nitroen fixing bacteria ? – Nodulated root
25. Late Ustad Nisar Hussain Khan earned distinction in which fields? – Vocal music
26. Which dynasty succeeded Sungas? – Kanvas 
27. Which country in Africa has luxurious tropical rain forests? – Ivory coast
28. Right to education to all children between the age of 6 to 14 years is which right? – A Fundamental Right
29. When is World Malaria Day, recoginzed by the WHO observed? – April 25 
30. Which set of sources of revenue belongs to the Union Government alone? – Custom duties, Corporation tax
31. What is the phenomenon in which the amplitude of oscillation of pendulum decreases gradually called? – Damping
32. When a gas is subjected to adiabatic expansion, why does it gets cooled? – Due to energy spent in doing work
33. What is the percentage of light energy utilised for photosynthesis by higher plant? – 1% to 2% 
34. Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress? – Annie Besant
35. What is the The chemical part of the dye that absorbs light and produces colour called? – A pigment
36. Why is at high altitudes the boiling point of water lowers? – Because of atmospheric pressure is low
37. Human stomach produces acid ‘X’ which helps in digestion of food. What is acid ‘X’? – Hydrochloric acid
38. Which was the official language of Gupta period? – Sanskrit 
39. ‘Rally for Valley’ programme in India was organized to highlight the problem of which thing? – Environmental degradation
40. Which Directive Principles bears the direct impact of Gandhi’s moral philosophy? – Provision of free legal aid and advice
41. With which sector has the B.K. Chaturavedi Committee dealt? – Price reforms in the oil sector 
42. Quality is that sensation of sound which is felt by our ears by which virtue? – Waveform of sound wave
43. What is a system which can exchange energy with the surrondings but no matter called? – A closed system
44. Study of typical behaviour of organisms in their natural habitatis is called– – Ethology
45. The year 1995 is the golden Jubilee year of which international organisations? – UNO
46. Alberuni lived during the period of which king? – Mahmud Ghaznavi 
47. Which is the largest producer of fruits in the Anglo-American Region? – California
48. Which office is held during the pleasure of the President of India? – Governor of a State
49. Many a time we read a term PPP in financial newspapers. What is the full form of the PPP? – Purchasing Power Parity
50. A plane mirror reflects a beam of light to form a real image. How is the incident beam? – Convergent
51. Which pair of atomic numbers, represent the elements belonging to the same group? – 13 and 31
52. When is World Maritime Day, recognized by the UN is observed? – During last week of September
53. In which animal, is skin a respiratory organ? – Frog
54. What is the total number of judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)? – 15
55. The seven pagodas of Mahabalipuram are a witness to the art patronised by which dynasty? – Pallavas
56. Which has the world’s largest reserves of Uranium? – Australia
57. Who was the Prime Minister of India when the Anti-Defection Bill was passed? – Rajiv Gandhi
58. The Banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. What is this called? – CRR
59. Which UN agency has its headquarters at Paris? – UNESCO 
60. When Raja Wodeyar founded the kingdom of Mysore, who was the ruler of the Vijayanagar Empire? – Venkata II
61. Which technique is useful for predicting the wheat yield? – Regression 
62. A proclamation of emergency must be placed before the Parliament for its approval with in howmany months? – Within 1 month
63. To which does the lowering of Bank Rate by the Reserve Bank of India leads? – More liquidity in the market
64. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction is related to the which thing? – Law of conservation of energy
65. Which catalyst is used in the manufacture of hydrogen by Bosch process? – Fe2O3 + Cr2O3
66. When a forgein body inter into blood circulatory system the reaction is started by cells? – WBC
67. How many votes are entitled for members of the UN Economic and Social Council? – One vote
68. Who was a contemporary of Chinghiz Khan? – Iltutmish 
69. Which South Asian country has the highest population density? – India
70. Which court in India is/are known as the Court(s) of Records? – The High Courts and Supreme Court
71. Volume of air inspired or expired with each normal breath is known as which name? – Total volume
72. Who is the author of the classic book Life Divine? – Aurobindo Ghosh
73. Who was defeated at kannauj in the hands of Sher Shah in 1540? – Humayun
74. Which continent has the lowest birth and death rates? – Europe
75. Which committee recommended for according a constitutional position to the Panchayati Raj? – L. M. Singhvi Committee
76. Which is an asset for a Commercial Bank? – Borrowing from RBI 
77. Equal charges are given to two spheres of different radii. what will the potential? – Be more on the smaller sphere
78. The ability of a catalyst to accelerate the chemical reaction is known as which name? – Negative catalysis
79. The cellular and molecular control of programed cell death is known as which name? – Apoptosis
80. The famous book’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money’ is written by which author? – J. M. Keynes

81. During whose reign did Sir Thomas Roe have regular attendance at the Mughal court to secure commercial privilege? – Jahangir
82. The United Nations declared 2013 as which International Year? – Quinoa 
83. Tropic of Capricorn passes through which country? – Botswana
84. From where must the authorization for the withdrawal of funds from Consolidated Fund of India come? – The Parliament of India
85. Under Gadgil-Mukerjee formula to whom is the higher weithage is given? – Population 
86. Which bank was earlier called the ‘Imperial Bank of India’? – SBI 
87. When is a galvanometer converted into an ammeter? – When we connect a low resistance in parallel
88. The decomposition of H2O2 is retarded by phosphoric acid. Thus how does phosphoric acid acts? – As negative catalyst
89. In electric supply lines in India, which parameter is kept constant? – Frequency
90. Which element is used as common catalyst? – Ni 
91. Which land mark in medical history was the first to take place? – Plastic surgery
92. Who is the author of the book ‘Freedom from Fear’? – Aung San Suukyi
93. Which Indian was appointed as Deputy Diwan of Bihar by Robert Clive? – Raja Shitab Rai
94. Which country has the highest agricultural production in Europe? – France
95. Who accords recognition to various political India as National or Regional Parties? – The Election Commission
96. When average cost of production falls, what must be marginal cost of production must? – less than the average cost
97. What is the Percentage of the original number of atoms in a radioactive sample remaining at the end of one mean life? – 37
98. Which material is very hard and very ductile? – Nichrome
99. Hybridoma technology is a new biotechnological approach for commercial production of which antibodies? – Monoclonal antibodies
100. Who is the author of the book ‘A bend in the River’? – V.S. Naipaul
1. A particle is executing S.H.M. Then what is the graph of acceleration as a function of displacement? – Hyperbola
2. An atom has 7 electrons in its M-shell and contains 18 neutrons in its nucleus. What is its mass number? – 35
3. The medicine ephedrin used in the treatment of cough, asthma and bronchitis, from where is obtained? – Ephedra
4. By whom was the concept of dual nature of radiation proposed? – de-Broglie
5. In a bisexual flower if androcium and gynoecium mature at different time the phenomenon is known as which name? – Dichogamy
6. A small drop falls from rest from a large height h in air. What is the final velocity? – Almost independent of h
7. Why does Molten sodium chloride conduct electricity? – Due to the presence of free ions
8. Which modification of root does not store food? – Stilt
9. The total energy of a particle vibrating in S.H.M. is proportional to which thing? –The square of its Amplitude
10. A body rolling freely on the surface of the earth eventually comes, why does it to rest? – Because it suffers friction

11. What is the a biological process in which glucose and fat is oxidised to librate energy? – Respiration
12. What is an example of Miscelles System here? – Soap + Water
13. A gale blows over a house. The force due to the gale on the roof is in which direction? – In the upward direction
14. Why is Ail aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidica in nature? – Because the salt undergoes hydrolysis
15. Oxygen released during photosynthesis of green plant comes from the breakdown of which thing? – Water
16. The pressure at the bottom of a liquid tank does not depend on which area? – Area of the liquid surface
17. Which compound transforms baking soda into baking powder? – KHC4H4O6
18. Water will be absorbed by root hairs, then how is when the external medium? – Hypotonic
19. Why is Weightlessness experienced in spaceship? – Due to absence of gravity
20. How is Perchloric acid prepared? – By the action of Concentrate sulphuric acid on potassium perchlorate
21. What is the Study of system of animal body which protects it from infection of various disease? – Immunology
22. A particle revolves round a circular path with a constant speed, how is the acceleration of the particle? – Along the radius
23. Which is the Branch of science that deal with the improvement of human race by providing better environmental condition? – Euthenics
24. Aluminium surface are often ‘anodized’. This means deposition of a layer of which oxide? – Zinc oxide
25. Which Animal is also known as ‘Portuguese man of war’? – Physalia
26. Which metal is extracted by thermal reduction process? – Copper 
27. An ideal liquid flows through a horizontal tube of variable diameter. The pressure is lowest and what will be velocity? – Velocity is highest
28. If a non-metal is added to the interstitial sites of a metal, then how does the metal become? – less malleable 
29. Which is used as a gift in Japan? – Euplectella
30. A gas is enclosed in a container which is then placed on a fast moving train. What will be the temperature of the gas? – Remain unchanged
31. When will a hot body radiate maximum energy? – iIf its surface is black and rough
32. How many electrons are involved in the oxidation by KMnO4 in basic medium? – 4 
33. Which chemical substance secreted by particular species of animal to attract another member of same species? – Pheromones
34. How is the heat transferred by the radiator of a refrigerator? – More than that at the freezer
35. Which compound of zinc is white when cold and yellow when hot? – ZnO
36. Pheretima posthuma is scientific name of which animal? – Earth worm
37. Merscuric sulphide dissolves in aqua-regia to form which compund? – HgCl2
38. An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency donate blood to a person which blood groups? – AB or B
39. If the amplitude of a wave at a distance t from a point source is A, what will be the amplitude at a distance 2r? – A/2
40. In which sequence are the electromagnetic radiations in decreasing order of wave lengths? – Infrared, radio, X-rays, visible
41. Salts of which element provide colours to fireworks? – Strontium and barium
42. Which organ have the capacity of regeneration? – Liver 
43. With the increase in temperature, what happens in the frequency of the sound from an organ pipe? – Increases
44. What is obtained when cadmium chloride is treated with water? – Cd(OH)2
45. Which organ cannot be transplanted? – Brain
46. When a coin placed in a bowl of water is seen from above, how does it appears? – Raised from its position
47. What is formed when cadmium reacts with H2S? – CdS 
48. Appetite and satiety centres of brain, where are present in? – Hypothalmus
49. Which gland disapear during old age? – Thymus
50. How is the matallic nature of transition elements is than that of alkali metals? – Less
51. Which types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus? – Infra-red-waves
52. When seen in green light, what will the saffron and green portions of our national flag appear? – Black and green respectively
53. The 3d transition series contains how many elements from atomic number? – 21 to 30
54. Which blood group is universal doner? – O 
55. Which lanthanides are used in glass, blowers, goggles? – Pr, Nd
56. Why is the function of the collimator in a spectrometer? – To obtain a parallel beam of light
57. What is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system? – Neuron
58. Which compound is obtained when auric chloride reacts with sodium chloride? – Na[AuCl4]
59. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? – 120 mm and 80 mm
60. The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz is the greatest for which light? – Violet light
61. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomating? – Medulla oblangata
62. By which Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds? – Liebig’s method
63. If the refractive angle of a prism is 60° and the minimum deviation is 30°, then the angle of incidence is how many degrees? – 45°
64. What is present both in plant and animal? – Plasma membrane 
65. What does mixture of CS2 and H2S on passing over heated copper give? – Methane
66. If the rotational velocity of a dynamo armature is doubled, what will then the induced emf? – Become double
67. Which is used in storage batteries? – Lead
68. What is the name of the poisonous gas formed by the interaction of acetylene and arsenic trichloride? – Lewisite
69. Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? – Epithelium tissue
70. When a body is earth connected, electrons from the earth flow into the body. What is its mean? –This means the body is Charged positively
71. Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under which name? – Narcylene
72. In daily requirement basis which vitamin is required in largest quantity by the human body? – Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
73. When does not No current flows between two charged bodies? – If they have same potential
74. Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and which other thing? – Pyridine
75. Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy compared to flesh of other animals why? – Because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids
76. What is the reason for excessive solubility of ethyl alcohol in water? – Due to hydrogen bonding with water
77. Through which are the characters are transferred from parents to progeny? – DNA
78. A radioactive substance has a half life of 4 months. In how many months will three fourths of the substance will decays? – 8 months
79. The cause of fractional atomic weights of elements? – The presence of Isotopes 
80. Which gas, is used for artificial ripening of fruit? – C2H4

81. Which branch of biology deal with the study of heredity? – Genetics
82. The maximum number of photo electrons released in photocell is independent of which thing? – Frequency
83. A fruity smell is produced by the reaction of C2H5OH with which formula? – CH3COOH
84. By which can Evolutionary development of a species be best studied? – Studying fossils of this species
85. What is the process by which vegetable ghee is manufactured? – Hydrogenation
86. Early atmosphere contained methane and other hydrocarbons they have been now replaced by which gas? – Carbon dioxide
87. For an electric dipole, how are the field at a point on the equatorial line and the dipole moment? – In opposite direction
88. Crop sown soon after the onset of south-west monsoon in India, what is this called? – Kharif
89. Thermal decomposition of alkanes is known as which name? – Cracking
90. If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north and south pole of a oar magnet, what will be then? – It is Repelled by poles
91. What is a glass sided tank, bowl in which aquatic animals live? – Aquarium
92. Deficiency of which vitamin causes xerophthalmia? – Vitamin A
93. If a wire of resistivity p is stretched to double its length, then what will change in its new resistivity? – Not change
94. Cathode rays enter an electric field normal to the lines of force. Then how is their path in the electric field is– – Parabola
95. The word “biodiversity” is a combination of which two words? – Biology and diversity
96. Which thing is the sweetest natural sugar? – Lactose
97. Jaundice in human beings affects which of the body part? – Liver
98. How many orangutans disappear each year as result of palm oil farming? – 5000
99. The sky wave propagation is suitable for radio waves of frequency form how many MHz? – From 2 MHz to 30 MHz
100. Which is considered a hot-spot of biodiversity in India? – Western Ghats
1. In which year was the Harappan Civilization discovered? – 1921
2. Where has the largest concentration of Harappan sites been found? – Ghaggar-Hakra
3. Where was a copper chariot of Harappa times was discovered? – At Daimabad
4. Where has Rock cut architecture in Harappan culture context been found? – At Dholavira
5. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of which thing? – pucca bricks
6. Which Indus Civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard? – Lothal
7. Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization were found? – Indus Valley
8. Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during which century? – 6th-5th Century BC
9. Which is the God who is the most prominent in ‘Rigaveda’? – Indra
10. In which language was the ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ originally written? – Sanskrit

11. Who was the first European to designate Aryan as a race? – Max Muller
12. Which Veda contains an account of magical charms and spells? – Atharvaveda
13. The Government of India has decided to declare river as ‘National River’? – Ganga
14. The battle of Mahabharata is believed to have been foughts at Kurukshetra for howmnay days? – 18 days
15. In ancient India, at where was the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom? – Rajgir
16. Which Mahajanapada was situated on the bank of river Godawari ? – Assaka
17. Which dynasty was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion? – Nanda
18. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC? – Vaishali
19. By which ruler was Pataliputra chosen for the first time as a capital? – Udayin
20. By whom was the first republic of the world established in Vaishali? – Lichhavi
21. Between which was the ancient town of Takshasila located? – Indus and Jhelum
22. Where did Lord Buddha breathe hist last (Mahaparinirvan)? – Kushinagar
23. Where has the world’s largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed? – Bamiyan
24. Who taught the doctrine of Shunyata (Shunyavad)? – Nagarjuna
25. At which university did Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsang studied? – Nalanda University
26. The religious literature of the Jains at the early stage was written in which language? – Ardhamagadhi
27. In which state was the Nalanda University located in India? – Bihar
28. By the time of which ruler was Gautama Buddha elevated to the position of God? – Kanishka
29. Who was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great? – Chandragupt Maurya
30. Which was the monk who influenced ashoka to embrace Buddhism? – Upa Gupta
31. Which Indian king defeated Seleucus, the administrator of Sindh and Afghanistan appointed by Alexander? – Chandragupta
32. Which historical personality of India is also known as Vishnugupta? – Chanakya
33. Which was the most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age? – Taxila
34. Who deciphered the Brahmi inscription of Ashoka first time? – James Princep
35. Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ deals with the aspects of which policies? – Political policies
36. By which was Yavanika (Curtain) introduced in Indian theatre? – Greeks
37. At which place was the headless statue of Kanishka found? – Mathura
38. In the kingdom of Satavahanas of ancient India, what was a district called? – Ahara

39. The greatest development in the Kushana period was in which field? – Art
40. A Buddhist Council during the reign of Kanishka was held at which place? – Kashmir
41. Which dynasty was associated with Gandhara school of Art? – Kushans
42. Who presided over the Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir? – Vasumitra
43. The ‘Paditrupputtu’ is a collection of poems in the praise of which king? – Chera
44. Which were the patrons of Sangam, an assembly of Tamil poets? – Pandya
45. Who was the author of ‘Kural’ or ‘Muppal’, a treatise on polity, ethics and social norms,? – Tiruvalluvar
46. Which is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’? – Kural
47. Who was the founder of Pattini cult related to worship of goddess of chastity-Kannagi? – Sengattuvan
48. Samudragupta has been given the title of ‘Indian Napolean’ by which historian? – V. A. Smith
49. The decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero was invented in India during which dynasty? – Gupta
50. In which century did the famous Chinese pilgrim Fahien visit India? – 5th century AD
51. The Prayage Prasasti/Allahabad Pillar Inscription is associated with which dynasty? – Samudragupta
52. The silver coins of the Gupta period were known by which name? – Rupyaka
53. During which Gupta king’s reign did the chinese traveller Fahien visit India? – Chandragupta II
54. Which king of the Gupta Dynasty was called the’ Napolean of India’? – Samudragupta
55. In whose court was a Chinese embassy sent by Tang emperor? – Harshavardhana
56. Which sources of Islam is associated with the teachings of Prophet Mohammad? – Quran
57. The decimal system was first known in India at the beginning of which century? – 5th Century AD
58. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of which king? – Rudradaman
59. Which is considered an encyclopedia of Indian Medicine? – Charaka Samhita
60. In India, who was the first to put forward the theory that the earth revolves round the sun? – Aryabhatta
61. Who constructed the world famous Jagannath Temple at Puri? – Anantvarman
62. The Laxman Era was started (in 1119 AD) by which dynasty? – Sens
63. Which Rajputa king defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time? – Prithviraj III
64. Where did the Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period? – Bhubaneswar
65. Vikramasila Mahavihara was established by the ruler of which dynasty? – Pal Dynasty
66. Who is well known for his contribution in the field of Algebra? – Bhaskara
67. Who founded four mathas in the four comers of India? – Shankaracharya
68. Which Chola ruler converted the Bay of Bengal into a ‘Chela lake’? – Rajendra I
69. Where is the famous Idol of Gomteshwar and famous jain temple situated? – Sravanbelgola
70. Which one of the Chola kings conquered Ceylon (Sinhal) first? – Rajaraja I
71. By whom was the ‘Ramayan’ the Tamil version of the great epic Ramayana made? – Kamban
72. Which one of the Chola Kings conquered Ceylon? – Rajendra I
73. Which religion was patronised by Rashtrakutas? – Jainism
74. Which was the South Indian state famous for its naval power? – Cholas
75. Rath temples at Mahabalipuram were built in the reign of which Pallava ruler? – Narasinghvarman I
76. Who were the ashta-diggaja in the court of Krishnadeva Raya ? – Eight telugu poets
77. Which Bahmani ruler built the famous Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur? – Muhammd Adil Shah
78. Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state? – Kashmir
79. Which ruler of Vijayanagar had sent his embassy to the emperor of China? – Bukka I
80. When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India? – Krishnadeva Raya

81. The Bahmanis of the Deccan rose to prominence in which century? – 14th century
82. Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zainul Abidin ? – Kashmir
83. Which Sultan of Delhi was known as Lakh Bakhsh (giver of Lakhs)? – Qutubuddin Aibak
84. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate? – Mahmud Shah Tughlaq
85. Timur, the Lame invaded India during the reign of which ruler? – Mohammad Shah Tughlaq
86. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to which place? – Daulatabad
87. Who was the first woman ruler of medieval India? – Razia Sultan
88. Who witnessed the reign of seven Sultans of Delhi? – Amir Khusarau
89. Which Delhi Sultan is known for introducing market control mechanism? – Alauddin Khalji
90. Who was known as Tuti-e-Hindustan (the parrot of India)? – Amir Khusrau
91. The Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti came to Rajasthan during the reign of which ruler? – Prithviraj Chauhan
92. Amir Khusrau played a pioneer rule in the development of which thing? – Khari Boli
93. Where is the Shrine of Hazarat Nizamuddin Auliya is situated? – Delhi
94. Which Sultan of Delhi was refused an audience by Nizamuddin Auliya? – Jalaluddin Firoz Khalji
95. Which philosophical system was founded by Vallabhacharya? – Suddhadvaita
96. Bhakt Tukaram was a contemporary of which Mughal emperor? – Jahangir
97. Who was the Hindu saint to have as disciple both Hindus and Muslims? – Sri Chaitanya
98. Who was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message? – Ramananda
99. Which sequence indicates the correct chronological order? – Sankaracharya-Ramanuja-Chaitanya
100. Who was the most radia of the Bhakti Saints? – Kabir
1. What is the percentage of radiant energy reflected back by surface called? – Albedo
2. Which types of cloud rarely forms at height lower than 5000 metres? – Nimbostratus
3. A sea-breeze front is a weather front created by a sea-breeze, also known by which name? – Convergence zone
4. What is a line on a weather map joining all places of equal pressure called? – Isobar
5. Why is wind in the southern hemisphere is deflected towards left? – Due to rotation of the earth
6. Local thunderstorms ‘Norwesters’ are prominent in which state? – West Bengal
7. If the atmosphere is cooled, what is its capacity for water vapour? – Lowered
8. The tornadoes are very strong tropical cyclones originating in which sea? – Caribbean sea
9. Which region receives the rainfall throughout the year due to westerly winds? – South Chile
10. A cold local wind draining occasionally down the Rhone valley is known by which name? – Mistral

11. What the wind is deflected due of the rotation of the earth? – Geostropic wind
12. Which winds are flowing from sub tropical high pressure to sub polar low pressure? – Westerlies
13. Which hot dust-laden wind is blowing from Sahara desert to Mediterranean region? – Sirocco
14. How is angular speed of a whirlwind in a tornado towards the centre? – Decreases rapidly
15. What are tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal usually called? – Typhoons
16. What is the name of very violent and serious types of winds which bring lot of disaster? – Hurricane
17. Who introduced the term anticyclone for the first time? – F. Galton
18. Why do the tropical cyclones not occur close to the equator? – Weak coriolis force
19. Why is fog common around Newfoundland coast? – Because warm and cold current meets
20. The Amazon basin of South Amarica and the Cango basin of Africa lie in which belf? – Equatorial belt
21. We find rainfall very heavy all the year round in the belt known by which name? – The Derent Belt
22. How are the temperatures in equatorial regions between July and January? – The same
23. Which island receives conventional rainfall? – Sumatra
24. In which region does rainfall occur throughout the year? – Equatorial region
25. In mid-latitudes, convective precipitation is associated with which front? – Cold fronts
26. Exceptionally high rainfall is recorded in regions owing to which effect? – Orographic effect
27. In which country has maximum damage to the forests been caused by acid rain? – Poland
28. Which type of rubber provides the best commercial rubber? – Castillo
29. Which biomass has the highest species diversity? – Tropical rainforests
30. What is the minimum forest cover to maintain ecological balance? – 33%
31. The high altitude tropical forest which has dwarfed trees is known by which name? – Elfm forest
32. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – Vegatherms
33. The lower limit of the growing season is fixed a temperature of how many degrees? – 6°C
34. Bamboo and pine trees are generally found in which types of climates? – Tropical monsoon
35. Thick stems and thorny wax coated leaves are commonly found in which area? – Deserts
36. Xerophytes are plants which can grow in regions having how moisture? – Low moisture
37. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – mesotherms
38. Plants which lack true roots, stems and leaves are called by which name? – Thallophytes
39. Equatorial forest of the Amazon basin is known as by which name? – Selvas
40. Plants having thorny leaves and penetrating roots are classified by which name? – Xerophytes
41. Primitive people practice animal rearing in the tropical grasslands of which area? – East Africa
42. What are the Low-latitude grasslands in south America called? – Pampas
43. The daily and annual range of temperature is minimum in which area? – Hot desert
44. The daily and annual range of temperature is maximum in which area? – Savanna grassland
45. Which environment leads to the occurrence of acid rain? – Sulphur dioxide
46. Which endangered Ridley turtles have the world’s largest aggregation? – Gahirmatha
47. Which climate factor has the least effect upon terrestrial ecosystem? – Wind
48. By whom was the concept of ‘stop and go’ Determinism put forward? – Griffith Taylor
49. What is the transition zone between two Ecosystems called? – Ecotone
50. The wave length of electromagnetic wave of the spectrum is expressed in which unit? – Angstorm
51. Which activity occupies the largest area of the world? – Pastoral herding
52. Which is the chief characteristic of wet and dry tropics? – Constant heating
53. In equatorial regions How is the temperature between July and January? – The same
54. Which natural region produced by the creation of climatic homogeneity by the sea? – Marine west coast
55. Lichens and Mosses are characteristic vegetation of which zone? – The polar zone
56. Which Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the region? – North-West Atlantic
57. A majority of the population of New found land are engaged in which profession? – Fishing
58. Which is the most important pelagic fish found in the North Sea adjacent to the U. K.? – Herring
59. Which country produced 127 lakh metric tones fish in 2010? – Japan
60. The Dogger Bank, the main fishing area of Europe, lies in which sea? – North Sea
61. Which country is included in the North-West pacific fishing grounds? – Japan
62. Abundance of organic matter in the soil is indicated by which colour? – Dark colour
63. What is the most suitable measure for soil conservation? – Afforestation
64. Which are the Soils that developed in humid tropical regions? – Laterite
65. Which soils developed on transported sediments? – Lithosols
66. Which type of soils produced by granite and gneiss of weathering? – Red
66. In which region is maximum amount of world’s phosphate produced? – Northern Africa
68. Which mineral is found in association with zinc? – Lead
69. In CIS, Krivory Rog, Kerch peninsula, Magnitogorsk are major producers of which ore? – Iron Ore
70. Which mineral is occurs in Alluvial deposits? – Tin
71. Which minerals are associated with granite and igneous rock? – Gold and silver
72. Which country is the largest producer of electricity by wind power in the world? – Norway
73. Where is the highest hydro-power potential in the African continent? – Equatorial Africa
74. Which country has the highest proportion of its electricity generation by nuclear plants? – France
75. Which is the highest coal producing country in the world? – China
76. Which country is the biggest exporter of soybeans in the world? – U.S.A.
77. Which region is practicing most intensive subsistence farming? – Monsoon Asia
78. Which food stuff is supposed to be the aristocrat among all cereals? – Wheat
79. Who has divided the world into major agricultural regions? – Whittlesey
80. Which country is well-known for its small precision high cost industrial goods? – Switzerland

81. Which has influenced most regarding the location of industries in the world? – Petroleum
82. Among the Asian countries, whose share in the world exports is the highest? – Singapore
83. Augusta and Atlanta, Where are the two important cotton textile centers located? – Georgia
84. Who devoted himself to the study of the modes of life of Germans living outside Germany? – Ratzel
85. Who advocated the idea that ‘the state is an organism attached to the land’? – Ratzel
86. Who geographers stated that the Earth is ail inseparable organic whole? – Ritter
87. The highest growth rate of population is found in which country? – India
88. Who was the first scholar to formulate the laws of migration? – Ravenstein, E.G.
89. South East Asian Cultural realm culturally is dominated by which country? – China
90. Which primitive people use ‘Krall’ for their shelter? – Maasai
91. Which racial group has the largest number of members? – Mongoloid
92. Who propounded the concentric circle theory of city morphology? – Burgess
93. Which country has the largest concentration of Railways? – South Africa
94. Which geographers wrote the book ‘Influences of Geographic Environment’? – Semple
95. Which geographer has developed the idea of the ‘mobility transition’? – L.A. Kosinski
96. Which geographer adopted the ‘deductive method’ of study in geography? – Kant
97. Which is the largest country in South West Asia in terms of population? – Turkey
98. ‘Amphilious’ wooden houses, floating of the chanals, where are found? – Bangkok
99. The major amount of wheat in Ukraine is produced in area of which soil? – Black earth (soil)
100. What is the largest country in the western hemisphere in terms of population? – United states

1. In which country is Barail range located? – India
2. Which State in India has the broadest continental shelf? – Gujarat
3. Which longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time? – 82.5°E
4. Which is the oldest mountain range in India? – Aravali
5. In which district is the highest point of Eastern Ghats located? – Visakhapatnam
6. Among the States of India, which one has the oldest rock formations in the country? – Karnataka
7. The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges, which is the oldest range? – the Great Himalayas Range
8. Which country has the longest international boundary with India? – Bangladesh
9. India is the seventh largest country in the world and how much area does it cover approximately? – 3200000 sq. km
10. How much percent land area of India is covered by plains? – 43.3

11. Which state is with the largest area under waste land? – Jammu and Kashmir
12. Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands? – Saddle Peak
13. At where do the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats meet? – Nilgiri Hills
14. Which Pairs is the highest peak of India? – Kanchanjungha
15. Which city lies to the western most longitudes? – Jaipur
16. Which is the capital of the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli? – Silvassa
17. Kanchipuram is in which state? – Tamil Nadu
18. ‘Syntaxial Bent’ is a feature of which range? – Himalayas
19. Which city will never get the vertical rays of the Sun? – Srinagar
20. Madhya Pradesh shares its border with how many states? – 5
21. Which region has the oldest rocks? – Aravallis
22. Which river emerges from Amarkantak plateau in Madhya Pradesh? – Narmada
23. Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath and Mussorie lies in which state? – Uttrakhand
24. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer long? – 2500
25. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer broad? – 150 to 400
26. How many islands of India are located in the Bay of Bengal? – 204
27. The Himalayas consist of how many main parallel ranges from north to south. – Three
28. How much percentage land areas of India is covered by mountains? – 10.7
29. Driest areas of India which lie in Rajasthan have howmuch average annual rainfall? – Less than 1 cm
30. In terms of area, India is which largest country of the world? – Seventh
31. The Karakoram Highway connects which pair of countries? – China-Pakistan
32. What is the approximate length of the coast-line of India? – 6,000 km
33. Among the Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size? – Puducherry
34. The distance between the northern most point in Kashmir and Kanyakumari covers about how many latitudes? – 300 Latitude

35. Seacoast of which state is the longest? – Gujarat
36. Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stantions ? – Himachal
37. Which is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? – Indonesia
38. What is the difference between IST and GMT? – 5 hours 30 minutes
39. In which island of India is an active volcano found ? – Barren Island
40. Kula, Kufri, Kajjair and Dalhousie are all tourists place of which state? – Himachal Pradesh
41. Which two river meet and form the largest delta in the world? – Ganga-Brahmaputra
42. Which correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India? – Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot
43. Which is the wettest place in India? – Mawsynram
44. Which is area with annual rainfall less than 500 cm in a year? – Leh in Kashmir
45. How much average annual rainfall is experienced in the Rayilsema? – About below 60 cm
46. Which region has the highest variability of rainfall? – Gujarat
47. Which station has maximum annual range of temperature? – Delhi
48. Which are two coldertmenths in the northern part of India ? – December, January
49. Which is the State having the highest rainfall by North-East Monsoon? – Tamil Nadu
50. During winter North-western part of India gets rainfall from which side? – Western disturbances
51. Which winds prevail in India during cold weather season ? – North-East Trade winds
52. Which cause rainfall in the north-western parts of India during Winter Season? – Western disturbances
53. South west monsoon contributes to India’s total rainfall upto the extent of how many percentages? – 80-90 percent
54. In Thornthwaite’s scheme of classification of climate, what does ‘E’ indicate in the context of India? – Arid climate
55. Which region does not receive much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Eastern Himalayas
56. Which state receives rainfall from north-east monsoons? – Tamil Nadu
57. Which is considered to cause an adverse of effect on Indian monsoon? – El-nino
58. Which region does not receives much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Tamil Nadu coast
59. The annual variability of rainfall is over 50 percent in which state? – Western Rajasthan
60. Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of which map? – Chropleth map
61. Which place gets the least rainfall? – Jodhpur
62. In certain parts of Khasi and Jaintia hills, annual rainfall is about howmany c.m.? – 1000 cm
63. Which place receives fainfall less than 20 cms? – Jammu and Kashmir
64. The maximum rainfall area of India, i. e, Meghalaya has average annual rainfall of howmany c.m.? – 1050 cm
65. Certain regions of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh have rainy season in which months? – October-December
66. North-East monson causes rainfall in South-Eastern part of peninsular India during which states? – May-June
67. On the basis of rainfall patterns, India has been divided into how many number of rainfall regions? – 62
68. Amritsar and Shimla are almost on the same latitude, but why is their climate difference? – Due to the difference in their altitudes
69. Among regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of annual rainfall? – North-eastern Rajasthan
70. In which season in the frequency of tropical cyclenes in the Bay of Bengal Maximum? – Retreating mansoon
71. Why most parts of India remains dry during cold weather season? – Due to low pressure
72. The areas where monthly rainfall during October to December ranges 10 cm to 30 cm fall in which state? – Jammu and Kashmir
73. In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located? – Sutlej valley
74. Macmohan Line demarcates the boundary between which countries? – India and China
75. Which latitude passes through India? – Tropic of Cancer
76. Which river does not form any delta at its mouth? – Tapti and Narmada
77. Penganga, Wardha and Wainganga are the tributaries of which river? – Godavari
78. Which lake in India has the highest water salinity? – Sambhar
79. Which region has internal drainage? – Rajasthan
80. On which river is located Indo- Pak Bagalihar Project? – Chenab

81. Which waterfall in India has the most height? – Kunchikal Falls
82. In India, which state has the largest inland saline wetland? – Rajasthan
83. The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which river? – Chenab
84. The Chilka Lake region lies in between the deltas of which rivers? – Mahanadi and Godavari
85. Whey are some of the rivers of peninsular India non perennial mainly? – Beacause rainfall is seasonal
86. Which lake has been formed due to tectonic activities? – Wular lake
87. The Damodar-Subarnarekha system is an example of which pattern? – Superimposed drainage pattern
88. If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go? – Rajasthan
89. When the top layer of the soil is removed over a large area by running water, what is it called? – Sheet erosion
90. Of the gross cropped area in India, the food grains occupy howmany percentages? – 60 to 70 percent
91. Which crop are grain with the on set of mansoon and are harvested in September-October? – Kharif
92. Which state leads in the production of maize? – Punjab
93. With which crop has Green Revolution been associated? – Wheat
94. Out of the total irrigated areas, the highest percentage of tank irrigated area lies in which state? – Bihar
95. Which is the state that is top in the cultivation of flowers? – Tamil Nadu
96. The small and marginal farmers will get irrigation facilities through which plan? – Ganga Kalyan Yojna
97. In India, what is the main limiting factor for cultivation? – Indequacy of water supply
98. Which state is the largest producer of black pepper in India? – Kerala
99. Jhum cultivation is a method of cultivation which is used to be practiced in which state? – Nagaland
100. Which is not an important plantation crop of India? – Grapes

1. How are legislative excesses of Parliament and State Assemblies checked? – Judicial review
2. Which functionary can be invited to give his opinion in the Parliament? – Attorney-General of India
3. Which is presided over by one who is not its member? – Rajya Sabha
4. In which House of the Parliament, the Presiding Officer is not a member of the House? – Rajya Sabha
5. Which State elect only one member of the Lok Sabha ? – Sikkim
6. The first mid- term elections for Lok Sabha were held in which year? – 1971
7. The elective strength of the Lok Sabha was increased by which amendment? – 31st Amendment
8. By whom are the Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court determined? – Parliament
9. Which Article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgement or order? – Article 137
10. Who has the right to transfer any case anywhere in India? – Supreme Court

11. Who is the final authority to interpret the Constitution? – The Supreme Court
12. How many types of writs can be issued by the Supreme Court? – 5
13. What makes the Judiciary the guardian of the Constitution? – Judicial Review
14. Which Chief Justices of India acted as the President of India also? – Justice M. Hidayatullah
15. How many states in India have two houses, namely Legislative Assembly and Legislative council? – Eight
16. Ordinance of Governor has to be passed by the Assembly within how many months? – 6 weeks
17. Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislature with the prior consent of which officer? – The Governor
18. Which office is held during the pleasure of the President of India? – The Governor of a State
19. Who was the first woman Chief Minister in independent India? – Sucheta Kripalani
20. Who remains in office as long as the President of India wishes? – The Governor
21. The ordinance issued by the Governor are subject to approval by which body? – State Legislature

22. Which States/ Union Territory has a Legislative Assembly consisting on only 30 members? – Puducherry
23. The total number of members of the Legislative Council can in no case be less than how many members? – 40
24. Which State can nominate two women members of the Legislative Assembly? – Jammu and Kashmir
25. What is the maximum number of members that the Legislative Assembly of a State in India can have? – 500
26. Which is the Upper Chamber of State Legislature in India? – Legislative Council
27. What is the period for the legislative Council to detain the ordinary bills? – 3 months
28. Who is authorised to transfer the judges of one High Court to another High Court? – The President
29. A High Court Judge addresses his letter of resignation to which officer? – The President
30. Which High Court has the largest number of Benches? – Guwahati High Court
31. Who was the first High/Supreme Court Judge, That voluntarily made public his assets,? – Justice K. Kannan
32. Which High Court has the Territorial Jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands? – Calcutta
33. In Indian Constitution, Article 370 is related with which state? – Jammu and Kashmir State
34. Which State has a separate Constitution? – Jammu and Kashmir
35. To which State the Special Marriage Act, 1954 does not apply? – Jammu and Kashmir
36. Which Article of the Constitution of India accords special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir? – 370
37. In India there is a single constitution for the union and the states with the exception of which state? – Jammu and Kashmir
38. Where was the first Municipal Corporation in India set up? – Madras
39. Provisions regarding Municipalities and Panchayats were made in the Indian Constitution in which year? – 1993
40. What does the Constitution (74th) Amendment Act, 1993 mentions? – The Municipalities
41. When was the Panchayati Raj System introduced in India? – 1959
42. A committee appointed in 1977 to review working of the Panchayati Raj was chaired bywhich man? – Ashok Mehta
43. Which Amendment of the Constitution provided constitutional status to Panchayati Raj institutions? – 73rd Amendment
44. The Panchayati Raj system was first started in India in the states of Rajasthan and which of the state? – Andhra Pradesh
45. The Constitutional status has been given to Panchayats under which Article? – 243
46. The Panchayati Raj institution at the block level is known by which name? – Panchayat Samiti
47. What is the middle unit in the three-tier Panchayati Raj System? – Panchayat Samiti
48. Which Indian State has no Panchayat Raj institution? – Nagaland
49. The entry Public Health and Sanitation is included in the Constitution of India in which list? – State List
50. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act was enacted in Indian in which year? – 2003
52. The Finance Commission is constituted under which Article of the Constitution of India? – 280
53. In which list does the Union Government enjoy exclusive powers? – Union List
54. Who is the Vice Chairman of Planing Commission of India? – Montek Singh Ahluwalia
55. In which list does the subject of Co-operative Societies fall? – State List
56. Who appoints the Union Public Service Commission? – President
57. Which of the following has the powers to create a new All-India Service? – Parliament
58. The Election Commission was converted into ‘Three Members Commission’ in which year? – 1990
59. Which country was the earliest to give women the right to vote? – New Zealand
60. NRI (Non-Resident Indian) Day is observed on which days? – 9th January
61. The Constitutional Amendment by which the age for voting has been revised from 21 years to 18 years? – 61st
62. How many recognised politial parties are there in India? – 6
63. The right to vote in India is given to all People on which basis? – Age
64. Which first Indian State that was created on a linguistic basis? – Andhra Pradesh
65. English is the official language of which one of the following Indian States? – Nagaland
66. While Hindi is the official language, Why has English been permitted for official use? – Indefinitely
67. Originally the constitution recognised how many languages? – 14
68. What is the scientific name of the National Fruit of India–Mango? – Manigifera Indica
69. What is the scientific name of the National Bird of India–Peacock? – Pavo Cristatus
70. What is the scientific name of the National Tree Banyan of India? – Ficus Benghalensis
71. The Government of India has decided to declare which river as National River? – Ganga
72. which Indian State came under President’s rule for maximum number of time? – Punjab
73. How many time did the President of India declare National Emergency so far? – Thrice
74. How many types of emergencies are envisaged by the Constitution? – 3
75. The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by which amendment? – First Amendment
76. The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) has incorporated into the Constitution of India a new chapter on which matter? – Fundamental Duties
77. Which was the most controversial Amendment passed during the emergency? – 42nd
78. Sikkim was made an integral part of India under the which amendment? – 36th Amendment
79. What does the 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals? – Panchayati Raj
80. The method of Constitutional Amendment is provided in which article? – Article 368

81. Which Constitutional Amendment Acts was said to be a ‘Mini Constitution’? – 42nd
82. The minimum age of voting in India was lowered from 21st to 18 years by which Constitutional Amendment Act? – 61st
83. Which language has included in the constitution by the Ninety-second Amendment Act? – Dogri
84. Which theorie of Communism is not a doctrine of Karl Marx? – Theory of New Democracy
85. Which assumed sovereign power at midnight of August, 14/15, 1947 provisionally? – Interim Government
86. By whom was the basic parameters of India’s Foreign Policy were laid down? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
87. There is no provision in the Constitution for the impeachment of the which officer? – Vice-President
88. Why was Justice U.C. Banerjee Commission constituted? – To Probe 2002 Godhra incident
89. Who is the author of the book ‘A Foreign Policy of India’? – I.K. Gujral
90. What is the minimum legal age of marriage for girls in India? – 18 years
91. Under the Preventive Detention a person can be detained without trial for how many months? – Three months
92. What is the line demarcating the boundary between India and China in North Eastern Sector called? – Mek Mohan Line
93. Which political theory advocates the withering away of the State? – Marxism
94. In which year was Mandal Commission Report implemented? – 1990
95. In which General Election did the Congress Party lost majority in the Parliament for the first time? – 1977
96. Which is the most important element of the State? – Sovereignty
97. Which is the only State in India to have the Common Civil Code? – Goa
98. On whose vision was the term ‘democratic socialism’ described? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
99. which political theory advocates the ‘Dictatorship of Proletariat’? – Marxism
100. In which area does the state government not have control over its local bodies? – Citizens grievances
1. Which sector of Indian Economy has shown remarkable expansion during the last decade? – Tertiary Sector
2. Hindu Rate of growth refers to the rate of growth of which sector? – GDP
3. In India, Hindu Rate of Growth is associated with which income? – National Income
4. What is the base year for computation of National Income in India? – 1993-94
5. As the economy develops, what happens in the share of the tertiary sector in the GDP? – Increases
6. Who coined the term ‘Hindu rate of growth’ for Indian Economy? – Raj Krishna
7. Who wrote a book describing the theory of economic drain of India during British rule? – Dadabhai Naoroji
8. Which is definitely a major indication of the State of the economy of a country? – Rate of GDP growth
9. Where is the Indian Sugarcane Research Institute situated? – Lucknow
10. The impact of Green Revolution was felt most in the production of which crop? – Wheat

11. Which is the apex organisation of Marketing Co-operatives at the national level? – NAFED
12. Under which Five Year Plan agriculture register a negative growth? – Third
13. Where is the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) situated? – Mysore
14. Where first Agriculture University of India was established? – Pantnagar
15. In which year was the Food Corporation of India (FCI) set up? – 1965
16. Which bank provides the largest credit to agriculture and allied sectors? – Commercial Banks
17. Which is the apex institution in the sphere of Agriculture credit? – NABARD
18. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act was legislated in which year? – 1976
19. The Green Revolution in India was the outcome of the efforts of which person? – M. S. Swaminathan
20. Who is known as Father of White Revolution in India? – V. Kurien
21. Where is the Central Rice Research Institute located? – Cuttack
22. Dr. M. S. Swaminathan has distinguished himself in which fields? – Agriculture
23. Agriculture sector directly employs what percentages of labour force in India? – 65 %
24. Which method of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas? – Shelter belt
25. Which state is the most industrially advanced State in India? – Maharashtra
26. Industrial licensing was finally abolished (with a few exception) in which policy? – Industrial Policy, 1991
27. First Industrial Policy of free India was announced in which year? – 1948
28. Who was the Chairman of the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector? – Arjun Sengupta
29. Commercial paper is a source of credit for which industry? – Corporate Industry
30. Which car companies has launched a small cheaper car ‘Nano’? – Tate Motors Ltd.
31. What is the classification of industries on the basis of raw-materials? – Primary and Secondary
32. Which is the biggest enterprise of the Government of India? – Railway
33. Raurkela Steel Plant was set up with the assistance from which country? – West Germany
34. In India, liberal Industrial Policy was adopted in which year? – 1991
35. Bhilai Steel Plant is the collaborative project of Indian Government and which other country? – Soviet Union
36. Since when disinvestment started in public enterprises? – 1991-92
37. Which entity holds the Number 1 position among Indian international trading company? – MMTC
38. Which one of the following Indian States does not keep its own High Court? – Manipur
39. Which one of the following is not the main jurisdiction of the High Court of a State? – Advisory Jurisdiction
40. Omkar Goswami Committee was set up by the Government for examining the issue of which matter? – Industrial sickness
41. The licensing policy for the industries drew strength from which act? – Industrial Act, 1951
42. Where is the Forest Reserve Institute of India located? – Dehradun
43. Which State in’ India is estimated to have the largest coal reserves in India? – Jharkhand
44. Which is a ‘Hot Spot’ for biological diversity in India? – Sundarban
45. Major coalfields of India are located in the river valley of – Damodar
46. Which one of the following is the highest gravity dam which river? – Bhakra Dam
47. What is the minimum forest cover to maintain ecological balance in the plains? – 33%
48. Which is the longest irrigation canal in India called? – Indira Gandhi Canal
49. When was the first National Forest Policy issued by the Government of India? – 1952
50. The national forest policy aims at maintaining how much of the total geographical area under forests? – One-fifth
51. The Government of India has decided to declare which river a ‘National River’? – Ganga
52. Which ‘geographical indicators’ has not been recognised for patent protection? – Darjeeling Basmati
53. National Horticulture Mission was launched in which Five Year Plans? – Tenth Five Year Plan
54. ‘Twenty Point Programme’ (Beessutri Karyakrama) was first launched in which Year? – 1975
55. Who presides over the National Development Council of India? – Prime Minister of India
56. Which is an extra- constitutional and non-statutory body? – Planning Commission
57. Which experienced the fastest expansion during the plan in India? – Services
58. Primary emphasis during Second Plan was laid on the development of which industry? – Basic and Key industries
59. Who was the First Chairman of Planning commission of India? – Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
60. Whose name is associated with formulation of Planning Strategy in Second Five Year Plan? – Prasanta Chandra (P.C.) Mahalanobis
61. Which is the highest body that approves Five Years Plans in the country? – National Development Council
62. By whom was the Rolling Plan for backward country suggested? – Gunnar Myrdal
63. In which Five Year Plan, the main objective was the eradication of poverty? – Fifth Five Year Plan
64. Durgapur, Bhibei and Rourkela iron steel-plants were setup during which plan? – First
65. The iron and Steel plants of Rourkela and Durgapur were conceived under which plan? – Second Five Year Plan
66. The real introduction of Decentralized Planning in India was made for the first time during the which plan? – 9th Plan
67. Planning Commission was established in 1950 through which order? – An executive order
68. The slogen ‘Garibi Hatao’ (Poverty abolition) was given in which Five Year Plan? – Fifth plan
69. In which one of year ‘Rolling Plan’ was on operation in India? – 1978-79
70. The major emphasis in the First Five Year Plan was on which field? – Agriculture
71. In which Five Year Plan, Economic Development Rate was maximum? – Tenth Five Year Plan
72. Only one can be the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission. Who is that? – Prime Minister
73. Mahalanobis Model has been associated with which Five Year Plan? – Second Five Year Plan
74. The Planning Commission of India was constituted in which year? – 1950
75. Which Plan gave emphasis on removal of poverty for the first time? – Fifth
76. Which is not an objective of India’s economic planning? – Population Growth
77. The rolling plan concept in national planning was introduced by which government? – Janta Government
76. The Government has renamed NREGA scheme and the name associated with which person? – Mahatma Gandhi
77. District Primary Education Programme was initiated in which year? – 1994
78. To whose help STEP is the abbreviated name of the welfare programme? – Woman
79. On which basis has the planning, commission defined ‘Poverty line’ in rural areas in India? – 2400 k cal
80. The National Rural Employment Scheme was launched throught out the country from which date? – 1-4-2008

81. which is the developed the concept of Human Development Index? – Mehboob-ul-Haq
82. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched in which year? – 2005
83. Swamjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana came into being in which year? – April, 1999
84. In terms of Human Development Index which is the most developed State of India? – Kerala
85. Which programme announced by the Prime Minister for the minorities in India? – 15 Point Programme
86. ‘Food for Work Programme’ was introduced during which Five Year Plans? – V
87. In which Five Year Plan, the main objective was the eradication of poverty? – Fifth Five Year Plan
88. While calculating HDI, what are the maximum value for Life Expectancy at birth (years) taken? – 85 and 25
89. In terms of Human Development Index, India falls under which category? – Very Low
90. Which is the standard of living in a country represented? – Per Capita Income
91. Which is a project to develop watersheds in India? – NWDPRA
92. Which plan gave emphasis on removal of poverty of the first time? – Fifth
93. In India, the Community Development Programme was started on which date? – October 2, 1952
94. Which represents ‘I’ in the abbreviation IRDP? – Integrated
95. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) does not promote? – Promote inclusive growth
96. Poverty level in India is established on the basis of which expenditure? – House-hold consumer expenditure
97. Mid-Day Meal is a scheme to provide nutrious food to which childran? – school going children
98. What is NOT the source of revenue of Central Government? – Agriculture Income Tax
99. Which is the largest single source of the Government’s earning from tax revenue? – Central excise
100. Which taexs/duties is NOT under the jurisdiction of the Central Government? – Land Revenue

1. Which mirror is to be used to obtain a parallel beam of light from a small lamp ? – Concave mirror
2. The focal length of the lens in a photographic camera is 5 cm. What is the power of the lens? – + 20 D
3. When viewed in white light, why do soap bubbles show colours? – Because of interference
4. Angular separation between two colours of the spectrum depends upon which thing? – Angle of deviation
5. Total internal reflection of light is possible when light enters from which thing? – Water to air
6. Which is used to remove astigmatism for a human eye? – Cylindrical lens
7. Why does diffusion of light in the atmosphere take place? – Due to dust particles
8. Which phenomena can not be attributed to the refraction of light? – Redshift
9. Total internal reflection can take place when light travels from which thing? – Diamond to glass
10. The refractive index of a given piece of transparent quartz is greatest for which light? – Violet light

11. A virtual image larger than the object can be formed by which mirror? – Concave mirror
12. If there were no atmosphere, what will be the length of the day on the earth? – Decrease
13. The focal length of a convex lens is 50 cm. what is its power? – +2 D
14. For an astronaut in a space ship, how does the sky appear? – Black
15. Which phenomena is used in optical fibres? – Total internal reflection
16. What is the phenomenon of splitting white light into seven colours? – Dispersion
17. Critical angle is minimum when a light ray passes which thing? – Glass to air
18. If the angle between two plane mirrors is 60°; then how many number of image will be formed? – 5
19. In which part of the eye lies the pigment, that decides the colour of the eyes of a person? – Choroid
20. Critical angle of. light passing from glass to water is minimum for which colour? – Violet colour
21. To an observer on the lunar surface, during the day time, how will the sky appear? – Black
22. What is the unit of luminous efficiency of an electric bulb? – Lumen / watt
23. Which of light are strongly absorbed by plants? – Blue and red
24. A far-sighted person has a near point at 100 cm. What must be the power of the correcting lens? – +3.0 D
25. How many image can a man see if he stands between two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 60°? – 5
26. How is image formed on the retina of a human eye? – Real and inverted
27. The resistance of material increases with temperature. What is this? – Metal
28. When do all the magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties? – Strongly heated
29. What is the relative permeability of a paramagnetic material? – Greater than unity
30. A soap bubble is given negative charge then what happen in its radius? – Increases
31. How is the relative permeability of a diamagnetic material? – Less than unity
32. How are the magnetic field lines in the middle of a solenoid? – Parallel to the axis
33. Why do Electricians use rubber gloves while working? – Rubber is an insulator
34. What work is work done in moving a positive charge on an equipotential surface? – Zero
35. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on the law of conservation of which thing? – Energy

36. Why is In a hydel station the motion produced in turbines? – Due to the flow of water
37. What is most suitable for the core of an electromagnet? – Soft iron
38. At a grid sub stations the voltage is stepped up to reduce loss of which thing? – Power
39. Equal charges are given to two spheres of different radii. What will the potential be? – More on smaller sphere
40. Two electron beams are travelling parallel to each other. What will be their reactions? – Repel each other
41. Instrument used to store the electric charge is known by which name? – Capacitor
42. When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, which charge acquired by the fur? – Positive
43. Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in which thing? – Battery
44. What is the temperature at which a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic? – Curie temperature
45. A magnetic needle is kept in non uniform magnetic field. What does itexperiences? – A force and a torque
46. Where will be the Time period in a vibration magnetometer infinite? – At magnetic pole
47. The north pole of the earth’s magnet is near the geographical which direction? – South
48. If the current in the core decreases, what will the strength of the magnetic field be? – Decreases
49. The intensity of a magnetic field is defined as the force experienced by which pole? – Unit north pole
50. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out of it, then how is the material? – Diamagnetic
51. The capacity of a pure capacitor is 1 farad. In D.C. circuit, what will its effective resistance be? – Infinite
52. If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of poles be? – 6
53. For electroplating a spoon, it is placed in the voltameter at which postion? – The position of cathode
54. A substance, when inserted between the poles of a magnet, is pushed out, what is it? – Diamagnetic
55. By inserting a soft iron piece into solenoid, what does the strength of the magnetic field? – Increase
56. The magnetic induction associated with currents flowing in a hollow copper tube, how will be? – only out side
57. How is the electric potential at the centre of a charged conductor? – Same as on the surface
58. What is not the cause of low conductivity of electrolyte? – Ionisation of salt
59. What is Electric field intensity at a point a hollow charged spherical conductor? – Is zero
60. Which property is processed by the ferromagnetic substance? – Hysterasis
61. Which type of cell can be used if a device requires 75 A of current for 15 seconds? – Lead-acid cell
62. A hydrogen atom is paramagnetic. What is a hydrogen molecule? – Diamagnetic
63. In nuclear fission, how many percentage of mass is converted into energy? – 0.1%
64. X210 has half life of 5 day. What is the time taken for seven-eights of sample of X210 to decay? – 15 days
65. If a U-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts, how will the two nuclei be so produced? – Stable
66. What is the half-life of a radioactive element which has only 1/32 of its original mass left after a lapse of 60 days? – 12 days
67. If a proton of mass m is moving with the velocity of light, what will its mass be? – Infinite
68. What was the fissionable material used in the bomb dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945? – Plutonium
69. Energy transferred to a person through gamma rays is measured in by which unit? – Roentgens
70. Which field is used to produce deflection in a television picture tube? – A magnetic fields
71. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from where? – Inner orbits of atoms
72. From which the cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube? – Cathode
73. Einstein’s mass energy relation is given by which expression? – E = mc2
74. Which rays will deflect in electric field? – Cathode rays
75. What percentage of the original quantity of a radioactive material is left after five half lives approximately? – 3%
76. What is the important conclusion given by Millikan’s experiment about the charge? – Charge is quantized
77. What are Alpha rays emitted from a radioactive substance? – Helium nuclear
78. Which are the Particles that can be added to the nucleus of an atom without changing its chemical properties? – Neutrons
79. Which particle has similar mass to that of the electron? – Positron
80. When the speed of electrons increases, then what happens in the value of the specific charge on an electron? – Decreases

81. The colour of the +ve column in a gas discharge tube depends on which thing? – The gas in the tube
82. The first explosion of an atomic device in India was carried out in which state? – Rajasthan
83. Direct conversion of solar energy with the use of photovoltaic cell results in the production of which energy? – Electrical energy
84. Why is energy is continuously generated in the sun? – Due to nuclear fusion
85. What is the ratio of specific charges of an á-particle to that of a proton? – 1/2
85. Long distance short-wave radio broad casting uses which waves? – Ionospheric wave
86. Which satellite is used in ship-to-shore and shore-to-shore and shore-to-ship communication? – Marisat
87. Which is electrical circuits used to get smooth de output from a rectified circuit called? – Filter
88. When the temperature of semiconductor is increased, what will happen in its electrical conductivity? – Increases
89. With the rise of temperature, what will happen in the specific resistance of semiconductor? – Decreases
90. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends on which thing? – Their frequency
91. Which are the space waves are affected seriously by atmospheric conditions? – UHF
92. With which can Radio wave of constant amplitude be generated? – Oscillator
93. What is the electrical circuit used to get smooth DC output from a rectifier circuit called? – Filter
94. If germanium has to be doped with a donor impurity, how should the foreign atom be? – Pentavalent
95. In a p-type semiconductor, Which are the majority charge carriers? – Holes
96. The unidirectional property of a pn-junction is useful for its use as which thing? – Rectifier
97. Which energy of the electron at absolute zero is called? – Fermi energy
98. For television broadcasting, what frequency is employed normally? – 30-300 MHz
99. A zener diode is also a p – n junction diode. It can be used as which regular? – DC voltage regulator
100. Which effect shows particle nature of height? – Photoelectric effect

1. What is the name of the scientist who stated that matter can be converted into energy? – Einstein
2. The isotopes of chlorine with mass number 35 and 37 exist in which ratio? – 3 : 1
3. A gas is found to have the formula (CO)n. Its vapour density is 70. What must the value of n be? – 5
4. Which law directly explains the law of conservation of mass? – Avogadro’s law
5. To whom the credit for the discovery of transuranic element goes? – Seaborg
6. How many moles are there is 140 g of Si (atomic mass of silicon is 28)? – 5
7. Which substance does not have a melting point? – Glass
8. By which a mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated? – sublimation
9. An element X forms an oxide X03. What is the valency of X? – 6
10. Sodium carbonate crystals lose water molecules. What is this property called? – Efflorescence

11. By whom was the law of constant proportions enunciated? – Proust
12. What is the number of unpaired electrons in carbon atom? – 2
13. In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle? – Aufbau principle
14. Regarding the atom of a chemical element, magnetic quantum number refers? – Orientation
15. What are the atoms of the elements having same mass number but different atomic number called? – isobars
16. Rutherford’s scattering experiment related to the size of which thing? – nucleus
17. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined? – R.A. Millikan
18. Which property of the elements is a whole number? – Atomic number
19. Discovery of the nucleus of an atom was due to the experiment carried out by which person? – Rutherford
20. What are the atoms of the elements which have same number of neutrons called? – Isotones
21. Whose experiment proved that the speed of light was always the same? – Michelson and Morley
22. Which element has two electrons in the K-shell only? – Helium
23. What is Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength? – Radio waves
24. Which nuclear particles responsible for holding all nucleons together? – Mesons
25. In which process, a nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation? – Radioactive decay
26. In atomic reactors, graphite is used as which name? – Moderator
27. Why is Cobalt-60 commonly used in radiation therapy? –Because it emits gamma rays
28. A radioactive substance has a half life of four months. Three-fourth of the substance would decay in howmany months? – 8 months
29. What is a bond formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of the elements called? – ionic bond
30. What is a bond formed by sharing of electrons between atoms of the elements called? – covalent bond
31. What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds in a H2O molecule? – 4
32. Select the compound in which chlorine shows oxidation state + 7? – HClO4
33. What is the oxidation of two Cl atoms in bleaching powder Ca(OCl) Cl? – +1,–1
34. What is the Oxidation state of Mn in acidic KMnO4 change from? – +7 to +2
35. Why is Molten NaCl good conductor of electricity? – Free ions
36. What is the common oxidation state of alkali metals in the combined state? – +1
37. What is the oxidation number and covalency-of sulphur in S8? – 0, 2
38. Starch iodide paper is used to test for the presence of which agent? – Oxidising agent
39. The pH of water at 25° C is 7. When it is heated to 100°C, what will the pH of water? – increases
40. When Metal carbonate reacts with dilute acids, what does it forms? – CO2
41. The element common to all the acids is known as which name? – Hydrogen
42. What is the sum of pH and pOH in aqueous solution at 25°C? – 14
43. By what factor is a solution with pH = 2 more acidic than one with pH = 6 ? – 104

44. Red litmus paper is changed into blue in solution of which thing? – Base
45. What is formed by dissolution of base or acid in water? – Exothermic
46. Blue litmus paper is converted into red in solution of which thing? – acid
47. According to Arrhenius theory of an acid and base, an acid is a substance that gives which ions in water? – H+ ions
48. What is the negative logarithmic value of hydrogen on called? – pH
49. What are the physical state of dispersion medium of a cloud ? – Gas
50. Vander Wall’s equation explains the behaviour of which gases? – real gases
51. In general gas equation, pV= nRT, V is the volume of which gas? – n mole of a gas
52. What is the ratio of rate of diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen? – 1 : 4
53. Absolute zero is the temperature where all gases are expected to have howmuch volume? – Zero volume
54. 4.4 g of CO2 contains how many litre of CO2 at STP? – 2.24 litre
55. Glucose or fructose is converted into C2H5OH in the presence of which thing? – zymase
56. Which type of materials act as effective catalysis? – Transition metals
57. What is the substance which decreases the rate of a chemical reaction? – Poison
58. TEL minimise the knocking effect when mixed with petrol, how does it act? – As negative catalyst
59. Which is the catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process? – V2O5
60. Which catalyst is sensitive to temperature changes? – Enzyme
61. Which is the temperature at which the catalytic activity of the catayist is maximum? – Optimum temperature
62. Alcoholic fermentation is brought about the action of which thing? – Yeast
63. Which is catalyst used in the Deacon’s process for the manufacture of chlorine? – CuCl2
64. In the Ostwald’s process for manufacture of HNO3, which catalyst is used? – Pt
65. Which gas has maximum colorific value? – Oil gas
66. When ammonium chloride is dissolved in water, the solution becomes cold. Whiat is change? – Endothermic
67. When ice melts into water, which type of change occurs in entropy? – Increases
68. In which type of coal percentage of carbon is the highest? – Anthracite
69. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen called? – Producer gas
70. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen called? – Water gas
71. Which law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy? – Second law
72. For which element, the standard enthalpy is not zero? – C (Diamond)
73. Which fuel causes minimum environmental pollution? – Hydrogen
74. Which gas has the highest fuel value? – Hydrogen
75. The compound with negative heat of formation is known as which name? – Exothermic compound
76. Which hydrocarbon is mainly present in gobar gas? – Methane
77. What happens when the door of a refrigerator is kept open? – Room heated
78. What does the second law of thermodynamics introduced? – The concept of Entropy
79. What is an extensive property of the system? – Volume
80. A gas expands isothermally and reversible. How much work is done by the gas? – Maximum

81. About which is the information not conveyed by thermodynamics? – Rates of reactions
82. Which is the element that has the highest first ionization potential? – Nitrogen
83. What has the highest ionization potential? – Ne
84. Which of the following among alkali metals is most reactive? – Cs
85. Which is the element having lowest melting point in periodic table? – He
86. Which are the elements on the right side of the periodic table? – Non-metals
87. Which transition metal is in liquid state? – Mercury
88. Which electronic configurations exhibits metallic character? – 2, 8, 2
89. Which element has the lowest electron affinity? – Argon
90. By whom was the calculation of electronegativities first done? – Pauling
91. Which element does not exist in liquid state at room temperature ? – Na
92. What is the most electropositive amongst the alkaline earth metals? – Barium
93. Which block of elements is mostly metals with high B.P., M.P. values? – d-block
94. Which are the vertical lines in modern periodic table called? – Group
95. What is horizontal line in modern periodic table called? – Period
96. In a period, the elements are arranged in which order? – Increasing charges in the nucleus
97. Which noble gas does not have octet of electrons in its outer shell? – He
98. Which pair of elements is in the same period of the periodic table? – Na, Cl
99. Why is the electron affinity of chlorine highest than that of fluorine? – Smaller nuclear charge
100. What is the Electron affinity of noble gases? – Almost zero

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