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வியாழன், 6 அக்டோபர், 2016

IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Questions Quiz

IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Questions Quiz

1. Find the missing number. 34, 7, 37, 14, 40, 28, 43, (...)
A. 31   B. 42    C. 46   D. 56
2. 9, 35, 91, 189, 341, ?
A. 502   B. 521    C. 559    D. 611
3. If a * b = 2a - 4b + 2ab, then 2*3 + 3*2 = ?
A. 2      B. 0    C.14    D. 12
4. When A, B and C are deployed for a task , A and B together do 70% of the work and B and C together do 50% of the work. who is most efficient?
A. A    B. B    C. C    D. Can't be determined
5. Four pipes A,B, C and D can fill a cistern in 20,25, 40 and 50 hours respectively.The first pipe A was opened at 6:00 am, B at 8:00 am, C at 9:00 am and D at 10:00 am. when will the Cistern be full?
A. 4:18 pm  B. 3:09 pm   C. 12:15 pm  D. 11:09 am
6. A man invested 3/3 of his capital at 7% , 1/4 at 8% and the remainder at 10% If his annual income is Rs.561. The capital is:
A. 5200
B. 6600
C. 4800
D. none of these
7.An amount at compound interest sums to Rs.17640/- in 2 years and to Rs.18522/- in 3 years at the
same rate of interest. Find the rate percentage?
A. 5%  B. 6%  C. 4%  D. 10%
8. When a vehicle is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that vehicle to be sold in order to gain 15%?
A. Rs. 21,000   B. Rs. 22,500   C. Rs. 25,300  D. Rs. 25,800  E. None of these
9. In a shop, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, find out approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit?
A. 250%    B. 100%   C. 70%    D. 30%
10.Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
A. 2 : 1    B. 1 : 2    C. 1 : 1   D. 4 : 3

IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Practice Test

11. The Average age of the boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. The average age of the whole class is?
A. 15 years   B. 15.5 Years  C. 16 Years  D. Cannot be determined
12. How many words can be formed by re-arranging the letters of the word ASCENT such that A and T occupy the first and last position respectively?
A. 5!    B. 4!    C. 6! - 2!   D. 6! / 2!
13. How much water must be added to 60 litres of milk at 1.5 litres for Rs. 20 So as to have a mixture worth Rs.10 2/3 a litre?
A. 10 litres    B. 12 litres   C. 15 litres   D. 18 litres
14. In what ratio must tea at Rs. 62 per Kg be mixed with tea at Rs. 72 per Kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs. 64.50 per Kg?
A.  1 : 3    B. 2 : 3    C. 3 : 1  D. 3 : 2
15. A parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40 m and one of its diagonals is 80 m long. Then, its area is :
A. 450 √ 15 sq.m
B. 600 √ 15 sq.m
C. 480 sq.m
D. 320 sq.m
16-20: The pie-chart drawn below shows the expanses of a family on various items and it's savings during the year 2014. Study the pie-chart and answer the questions. Percent of money spent on various items and savings by a family during 2014.
IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Questions
16. Maximum expenditure of the family was on:
A. Transport  B. Cloths  C. Food   D. Health
17.The central angle for the sector on others is:
A. 58°    B. 54°  C. 56°  D. 59°
18. The central angle corresponding to the Food is more than that of saving is:
A. 57°  B. 57.5°  C. 57.6°  D. None of these
19. If the total income for the year is Rs.1,20,000, the difference of the expanses between education and transport:
A. Rs.7400/-   B. Rs.8400/-   C. Rs.7700/-    D. Rs.7800/-
20.What percent of the income was spent on housing and cloths is:
A. 15%   B. 20%   C. 17%   D. 19%
Answers: 1.D  2. C   3.14   4. A   5. B   6.B  7.A  8.C  9.C  10.D  11.D  12.B  13.C  14.C  15.B  16. C  17.B   18. C  19. B 20.B

Time and Distance Important Formulas

Formula for Speed:
  • Speed=(DistanceTime)
Formula for Time:
  • Time=(DistanceSpeed)
Distance=Speed * Time
We have already known formulas for how to calculate Speed, Time, Distance, now we will see formulas for how to convert speed in Kilometre Per Hour (KMPH) to Metre Per Second (MPS)
4. Formula for Converting Speed km/hr to m/Sec
  • xkm/hr=(x518)m/sec
5. Formula for Converting Speed form m/Sec to km/hr
  • xm/sec=(x185)km/h
6. If the ratio of the speeds of A and B is a : b, then the ratio of the the times taken by then to cover the same distance is
  • 1a:1borb:a
7. Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x km/hr and an equal distance at y km/hr. Then, the average speed during the whole journey is
  • 2xyx+y

Time and Distance Aptitude Questions Answers

1. Ramu crosses a 600 meter long bridge in 5 minutes. What is the speed in Km/hr?
  1. 6.2 km/hr
  2. 7.2 km/hr
  3. 8.2 km/hr
  4. 9.2 km/hr
  5. None of these
Answer: B
Speed=DistanceTimeDistance=650meterTime=5 minutes=300secSpeed=600300=2m/sec=>2185km/hr=7.2km/hr
2. Speed of a train is 40 meters per second. It can cross a pole in 20 seconds. What is the length of train ?
  1. 400 meters
  2. 600 meters
  3. 800 meters
  4. 200 meters
  5. None of these
Answer: C
Train length = 40 * 20 = 800 metres
3. A Man travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot at 4 km/hr and partly on bicycle at 9 km/hr. What is the distance travelled on foot?
  1. 16 km
  2. 14 km
  3. 12 km
  4. 10 km
  5. None of these
Answer: A
Let the time in which he travelled on foot = x hour
Time for travelling on bicycle = (9 - x) hr
Distance = Speed * Time, and Total distance = 61 km
4x + 9(9-x) = 61
=> 5x = 20
=> x = 4
So distance traveled on foot = 4(4) = 16 km
4. A man in a train notices that he can count 41 telephone posts in one minute. If they are known to be 50 metres apart, then at what speed is the train travelling?
  1. 60 km/hr
  2. 100 km/hr
  3. 110 km/hr
  4. 120 km/hr
  5. None of these
Answer: D
Number of gaps between 41 poles = 40
So total distance between 41 poles = 40*50 = 2000 meter = 2 km
In 1 minute train is moving 2 km/minute.
Speed in hour = 2*60 = 120 km/hour
5. Laxman travels equal distances with speed of 3 km/hr, 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr and takes a total of 47 minutes. Find the total distance?
  1. 3 km
  2. 4 km
  3. 6 km
  4. 9 km
  5. None of these
Answer:  A
Let the distance be 3x km then,
x3+x4+x5=476047x60=4760x=1 So total distance = 3*1 = 3 Km

Time and Distance Tips & Tricks

IBPS Preparation Questions & Answers Section Wise

IBPS Computer Awareness Questions Quiz

1. Which is the limitation of High Level language?
A. Lower efficiency
B. Machine Dependence
C. Machine Level Coding
D. All of the Above
E. None of these
2. The translator Program used in assembly language is called....?
A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
C. Assembler
D. Translator
E. None of these
3. CD-ROM is a ;
A. Semi Conductor Memory
B. Memory Register
C. Magnetic Memory
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above
4. Malicious Software is Known as.....
A. Disaster Ware
B. Badware
C. Illegalware
D. Malware
E. Maliciousware
5. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a:
A. mainframe
B. supercomputer
C. network
D. client
E. None of the above

IBPS Computer Knowledge Practice Questions

6. _______ are software which is used to do particular task.
A. Operating system
B. Program
C. Data
D. Software
E. None of the Above
7. One of the Input device in computer are
A. Keyboard
B. Os
C. Pen drive
D. Cable
E. None of the Above
8. Printers are measured in
A. Dpi
B. Degrees
C. Inches
D. Scaling
E. None of the Above
9. A ____________ is approximately one billion bytes.
A. bit
B. kilobyte
C. gigabyte
D. megabyte
E. None of the Above
10. What is e-commerce?
A. Buying and selling computer products
B. Buying and selling products and services not found in stores
C. Buying and selling international goods
D. Buying and selling products and services over the Internet
E. None of the Above

IBPS Computer GK Questions

11. Which of the following was used in first generation computers?
A. Machine Language
B. High Language
C. Assembly Language
D. All of the Above
E. None of these
12. Multiprocessing supports more then one_____ at the same time
A. User
B. Process
C. Hardware
D. All of the Above
E. None of these.
13. LAN stands for.....
A. Location Access network
B. Local Anti network
C. Local Area network
D. Location Area network
E. None of the Above
14. _______ is commonly used data format for exchanging information between computers or programs
E. None of the Above
15. One Nibble =  ?
A. 8 bits
B. 4 bits
C. 4 bytes
D. 16 bytes
E. None of the Above
Answers: 1. A  2. C 3.E  4.B  5. C  6.B  7.A  8.A  9.C  10. D 11. A  12.B 13. C 14. A 15.B

IBPS Current Affairs Questions Online Test

1. Dodoma is the Capital City of ......?
  1. Algeria
  2. Nigeria
  3. Tanzania
  4. Uzbekistan
  5. None of these
2. Agaria tribe belongs to which state...?
  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Bihar
  3. Chhattisgarh
  4. Madhya Pradesh
  5. None of these
3. Who is chief minister of Tamil Nadu?
  1. O Paneer Selvam
  2. Jayalalita
  3. Tambi Durai
  4. Karuna Nidhi
  5. None of these
4. IFSC Code contains how many digits?
  1. 11 Alpha Numeric Code
  2. 8 Alpha Numeric Code
  3. 9 Alpha Numeric Code
  4. 10 Alpha Numeric Code
  5. None of these
5. 'Smart Star' account opened by which of the following bank?
  1. Axis Bank
  2. ICICI Bank
  3. HDFC Bank
  4. State Bank of India
  5. None of these

IBPS Banking Awareness Question & Answers

6. Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant is located at ...?
  1. Rajasthan
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Gujarat
  4. Maharashtra
  5. None of these
7. According to WHO which of the following country has the highest rate of child marriage?
  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Pakistan
  4. Nepal
  5. None of these
8. DIGC insurance cover is  headed by...?
  1. Finance Ministry
  2. Central Government
  3. Reserve Bank of India
  4. SEBI
  5. None of these
9. MTSS expand ....?
  1. Money Transfer Service Scheme
  2. Money Transaction Security Scheme
  3. Money Transfer Security Service
  4. Money Transaction Service Scheme
  5. None of these
10. Faithful friendly is the tagline of which bank..?
  1. Bank of Baroda
  2. Oriental Bank of Commerce
  3. Vijaya Bank
  4. Syndicate Bank
  5. None of these

IBPS General Awareness Question Online Test

11. R. Koteeswaran is the CMD of which Bank?
  1. Punjab National Bank
  2. Bank of Maharashtra
  3. Indian Overseas Bank
  4. Union Bank of India
  5. None of these
12. Bank of International Settlement Head Quarters ...?
  1. Switzerland
  2. New York
  3. Singapore
  4. London
  5. None of these
13. " Hard Choice " is Written by....?
  1. Arundathi Roy
  2. Chetan Bhagat
  3. Kushwanth Singh
  4. Hillary Clinton
  5. None of these
14. Ngultrum is the currency of which country...?
  1. Maldives
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Bhutan
  4. Bangladesh
  5. None of these
15. The Central Board of Direct Taxes CBDT has said the new service tax would applicable from June 1st, 2015 which will be levied at...?
  1. 12.5%
  2. 14%
  3. 13%
  4. 13.5%
  5. 14.5%
Answers: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A  5. B 6. C 7.B  8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. D  14. C 15. B
IBPS CWE Questions & Answers Section wise Preparation Material

IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Questions Quiz

1. Find the missing number. 34, 7, 37, 14, 40, 28, 43, (...)
A. 31   B. 42    C. 46   D. 56
2. 9, 35, 91, 189, 341, ?
A. 502   B. 521    C. 559    D. 611
3. If a * b = 2a - 4b + 2ab, then 2*3 + 3*2 = ?
A. 2      B. 0    C.14    D. 12
4. When A, B and C are deployed for a task , A and B together do 70% of the work and B and C together do 50% of the work. who is most efficient?
A. A    B. B    C. C    D. Can't be determined
5. Four pipes A,B, C and D can fill a cistern in 20,25, 40 and 50 hours respectively.The first pipe A was opened at 6:00 am, B at 8:00 am, C at 9:00 am and D at 10:00 am. when will the Cistern be full?
A. 4:18 pm  B. 3:09 pm   C. 12:15 pm  D. 11:09 am
6. A man invested 3/3 of his capital at 7% , 1/4 at 8% and the remainder at 10% If his annual income is Rs.561. The capital is:
A. 5200
B. 6600
C. 4800
D. none of these
7.An amount at compound interest sums to Rs.17640/- in 2 years and to Rs.18522/- in 3 years at the
same rate of interest. Find the rate percentage?
A. 5%  B. 6%  C. 4%  D. 10%
8. When a vehicle is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that vehicle to be sold in order to gain 15%?
A. Rs. 21,000   B. Rs. 22,500   C. Rs. 25,300  D. Rs. 25,800  E. None of these
9. In a shop, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, find out approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit?
A. 250%    B. 100%   C. 70%    D. 30%
10.Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
A. 2 : 1    B. 1 : 2    C. 1 : 1   D. 4 : 3

IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Practice Test

11. The Average age of the boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. The average age of the whole class is?
A. 15 years   B. 15.5 Years  C. 16 Years  D. Cannot be determined
12. How many words can be formed by re-arranging the letters of the word ASCENT such that A and T occupy the first and last position respectively?
A. 5!    B. 4!    C. 6! - 2!   D. 6! / 2!
13. How much water must be added to 60 litres of milk at 1.5 litres for Rs. 20 So as to have a mixture worth Rs.10 2/3 a litre?
A. 10 litres    B. 12 litres   C. 15 litres   D. 18 litres
14. In what ratio must tea at Rs. 62 per Kg be mixed with tea at Rs. 72 per Kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs. 64.50 per Kg?
A.  1 : 3    B. 2 : 3    C. 3 : 1  D. 3 : 2
15. A parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40 m and one of its diagonals is 80 m long. Then, its area is :
A. 450 √ 15 sq.m
B. 600 √ 15 sq.m
C. 480 sq.m
D. 320 sq.m
16-20: The pie-chart drawn below shows the expanses of a family on various items and it's savings during the year 2014. Study the pie-chart and answer the questions. Percent of money spent on various items and savings by a family during 2014.
IBPS Quantitative Aptitude Questions
16. Maximum expenditure of the family was on:
A. Transport  B. Cloths  C. Food   D. Health
17.The central angle for the sector on others is:
A. 58°    B. 54°  C. 56°  D. 59°
18. The central angle corresponding to the Food is more than that of saving is:
A. 57°  B. 57.5°  C. 57.6°  D. None of these
19. If the total income for the year is Rs.1,20,000, the difference of the expanses between education and transport:
A. Rs.7400/-   B. Rs.8400/-   C. Rs.7700/-    D. Rs.7800/-
20.What percent of the income was spent on housing and cloths is:
A. 15%   B. 20%   C. 17%   D. 19%
Answers: 1.D  2. C   3.14   4. A   5. B   6.B  7.A  8.C  9.C  10.D  11.D  12.B  13.C  14.C  15.B  16. C  17.B   18. C  19. B 20.B

IBPS CWE Aptitude Sample 


IBPS Reasoning Ability Questions Quiz

Directions (1-3): Read the following information to answer these questions.
I. R Ψ S means R is mother of S
II. R ε S means R is Sister of S
III. R $ S means R is Father of S
IV. R # S means R is Brother of S
1. Which of the following means D is definitely daughter of A?
(A) A $ B # C # D   (B) C Ψ A $ D ε B   (C) A Ψ C $ B ε D   (D) B Ψ A $ C # D  (E) None of these
2.Which of the Following means R is brother of T?
(A) R Ψ S # U $ T   (B) U Ψ R # S # T   (C) U Ψ R ε S # T   (D) K # R $ S ε T  (E) None of these
3. Which of the Following means A is nephew of C?
(A) D # C $ B # A ε E   (B) A # B $ D ε E $ C   (C) C # D $ B # A $ E   (D) B Ψ E # C $ E ε A (E) None of these
Directions 4-5: What Should come in place of question mark (?) in the series
4. Q331T, U442X, Y553A, ?
(A) Z665D   (B) C664C   (C) B666D   (D) B664F (E) None of these
5. RL12, TQ20, WU32, AX48, ?
(A) EZ68   (B) FZ68   (C) GZ68   (D) HZ68 (E) None of these

IBPS Reasoning Ability Model Papers

6. The Son of A is father of C and Maternal grandfather of D. E is the Daughter of C and Sister of B. How is A related to B ?
(A) Grandfather   (B) Grandmother   (C) Great grand uncle  (D) All of the Above (E) None of the above
Directions (7-9): Study the following information and answer the given questions.
Y is the Sister of J. L is the wife of J. L has only one son R. K is the mother of L. K is married to D. D has only one son and only one daughter.
As per the given information
7. How is J related to K?
(A) Son  (B) Son-in-law  (C) Niece  (D) Nephew (E) Daughter-in-Law
8. How is R related to Y?
(A) Nephew (B) Cannot be determined  (C) Uncle  (D) Niece (E) Aunt
9. If L is the Sister of B, then how is B related to J?
(A) Sister-in-law (B) Cannot be determined  (C) Brother  (D) Brother-in-law (E) Uncle

IBPS Reasoning Questions & Answers

Directions (10-15): In these questions two/three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give Answer:
(A) If either conclusion I or II is true
(B) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(C) If both conclusions I and II are true
(D) If only conclusion I is true
(E) If only conclusion II is true
10. Statements: All Apartments are houses. No Apartment is a motel.
I. Some houses being motels is a possibility
II. No house is a motel
11. Statements: All Plants are trees. Some trees are weeds. All weeds are shrubs.
I. No shrub is a plant
II. All Weeds being trees is a possibility
12. Statements: Some drinks are juices. All juices are beverages. No beverage is a solid.
I. No juice is a solid.
II. No drink is a solid.
13. Statements: Some drinks are juices. All juices are beverages. No beverage is a solid.
I. Some drinks are beverages.
II. All drinks are beverages.
14. Statements: All Plants are trees. Some trees are weeds. All weeds are shrubs.
I. At least some trees are shrubs
II. All plants being shrubs is a possibility
15. Statements: All snakes are reptiles. Some reptiles are turtles. No turtle is a bird.
I. All Reptiles being birds is a possibility
II. No snake is a turtle
Answers:  1. B    2. B    3. C    4. B    5. B    6. E   7. B   8. A   9. B   10. D   11. E  12.D  13.A   14.C  15.D

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