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புதன், 27 ஏப்ரல், 2016

Top 100 Indian history general

1. In which year was the Harappan Civilization discovered? – 1921
2. Where has the largest concentration of Harappan sites been found? – Ghaggar-Hakra
3. Where was a copper chariot of Harappa times was discovered? – At Daimabad
4. Where has Rock cut architecture in Harappan culture context been found? – At Dholavira
5. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of which thing? – pucca bricks
6. Which Indus Civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard? – Lothal
7. Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization were found? – Indus Valley
8. Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during which century? – 6th-5th Century BC
9. Which is the God who is the most prominent in ‘Rigaveda’? – Indra
10. In which language was the ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ originally written? – Sanskrit
11. Who was the first European to designate Aryan as a race? – Max Muller
12. Which Veda contains an account of magical charms and spells? – Atharvaveda
13. The Government of India has decided to declare river as ‘National River’? – Ganga
14. The battle of Mahabharata is believed to have been foughts at Kurukshetra for howmnay days? – 18 days
15. In ancient India, at where was the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom? – Rajgir
16. Which Mahajanapada was situated on the bank of river Godawari ? – Assaka
17. Which dynasty was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion? – Nanda
18. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC? – Vaishali
19. By which ruler was Pataliputra chosen for the first time as a capital? – Udayin
20. By whom was the first republic of the world established in Vaishali? – Lichhavi
21. Between which was the ancient town of Takshasila located? – Indus and Jhelum
22. Where did Lord Buddha breathe hist last (Mahaparinirvan)? – Kushinagar
23. Where has the world’s largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed? – Bamiyan
24. Who taught the doctrine of Shunyata (Shunyavad)? – Nagarjuna
25. At which university did Chinese traveller Hiuen-Tsang studied? – Nalanda University
26. The religious literature of the Jains at the early stage was written in which language? – Ardhamagadhi
27. In which state was the Nalanda University located in India? – Bihar
28. By the time of which ruler was Gautama Buddha elevated to the position of God? – Kanishka
29. Who was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great? – Chandragupt Maurya
30. Which was the monk who influenced ashoka to embrace Buddhism? – Upa Gupta
31. Which Indian king defeated Seleucus, the administrator of Sindh and Afghanistan appointed by Alexander? – Chandragupta
32. Which historical personality of India is also known as Vishnugupta? – Chanakya
33. Which was the most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age? – Taxila
34. Who deciphered the Brahmi inscription of Ashoka first time? – James Princep
35. Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ deals with the aspects of which policies? – Political policies
36. By which was Yavanika (Curtain) introduced in Indian theatre? – Greeks
37. At which place was the headless statue of Kanishka found? – Mathura
38. In the kingdom of Satavahanas of ancient India, what was a district called? – Ahara

39. The greatest development in the Kushana period was in which field? – Art
40. A Buddhist Council during the reign of Kanishka was held at which place? – Kashmir
41. Which dynasty was associated with Gandhara school of Art? – Kushans
42. Who presided over the Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir? – Vasumitra
43. The ‘Paditrupputtu’ is a collection of poems in the praise of which king? – Chera
44. Which were the patrons of Sangam, an assembly of Tamil poets? – Pandya
45. Who was the author of ‘Kural’ or ‘Muppal’, a treatise on polity, ethics and social norms,? – Tiruvalluvar
46. Which is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’? – Kural
47. Who was the founder of Pattini cult related to worship of goddess of chastity-Kannagi? – Sengattuvan
48. Samudragupta has been given the title of ‘Indian Napolean’ by which historian? – V. A. Smith
49. The decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero was invented in India during which dynasty? – Gupta
50. In which century did the famous Chinese pilgrim Fahien visit India? – 5th century AD
51. The Prayage Prasasti/Allahabad Pillar Inscription is associated with which dynasty? – Samudragupta
52. The silver coins of the Gupta period were known by which name? – Rupyaka
53. During which Gupta king’s reign did the chinese traveller Fahien visit India? – Chandragupta II
54. Which king of the Gupta Dynasty was called the’ Napolean of India’? – Samudragupta
55. In whose court was a Chinese embassy sent by Tang emperor? – Harshavardhana
56. Which sources of Islam is associated with the teachings of Prophet Mohammad? – Quran
57. The decimal system was first known in India at the beginning of which century? – 5th Century AD
58. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of which king? – Rudradaman
59. Which is considered an encyclopedia of Indian Medicine? – Charaka Samhita
60. In India, who was the first to put forward the theory that the earth revolves round the sun? – Aryabhatta
61. Who constructed the world famous Jagannath Temple at Puri? – Anantvarman
62. The Laxman Era was started (in 1119 AD) by which dynasty? – Sens
63. Which Rajputa king defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time? – Prithviraj III
64. Where did the Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period? – Bhubaneswar
65. Vikramasila Mahavihara was established by the ruler of which dynasty? – Pal Dynasty
66. Who is well known for his contribution in the field of Algebra? – Bhaskara
67. Who founded four mathas in the four comers of India? – Shankaracharya
68. Which Chola ruler converted the Bay of Bengal into a ‘Chela lake’? – Rajendra I
69. Where is the famous Idol of Gomteshwar and famous jain temple situated? – Sravanbelgola
70. Which one of the Chola kings conquered Ceylon (Sinhal) first? – Rajaraja I
71. By whom was the ‘Ramayan’ the Tamil version of the great epic Ramayana made? – Kamban
72. Which one of the Chola Kings conquered Ceylon? – Rajendra I
73. Which religion was patronised by Rashtrakutas? – Jainism
74. Which was the South Indian state famous for its naval power? – Cholas
75. Rath temples at Mahabalipuram were built in the reign of which Pallava ruler? – Narasinghvarman I
76. Who were the ashta-diggaja in the court of Krishnadeva Raya ? – Eight telugu poets
77. Which Bahmani ruler built the famous Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur? – Muhammd Adil Shah
78. Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state? – Kashmir
79. Which ruler of Vijayanagar had sent his embassy to the emperor of China? – Bukka I
80. When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India? – Krishnadeva Raya
81. The Bahmanis of the Deccan rose to prominence in which century? – 14th century
82. Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zainul Abidin ? – Kashmir
83. Which Sultan of Delhi was known as Lakh Bakhsh (giver of Lakhs)? – Qutubuddin Aibak
84. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate? – Mahmud Shah Tughlaq
85. Timur, the Lame invaded India during the reign of which ruler? – Mohammad Shah Tughlaq
86. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to which place? – Daulatabad
87. Who was the first woman ruler of medieval India? – Razia Sultan
88. Who witnessed the reign of seven Sultans of Delhi? – Amir Khusarau
89. Which Delhi Sultan is known for introducing market control mechanism? – Alauddin Khalji
90. Who was known as Tuti-e-Hindustan (the parrot of India)? – Amir Khusrau
91. The Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti came to Rajasthan during the reign of which ruler? – Prithviraj Chauhan
92. Amir Khusrau played a pioneer rule in the development of which thing? – Khari Boli
93. Where is the Shrine of Hazarat Nizamuddin Auliya is situated? – Delhi
94. Which Sultan of Delhi was refused an audience by Nizamuddin Auliya? – Jalaluddin Firoz Khalji
95. Which philosophical system was founded by Vallabhacharya? – Suddhadvaita
96. Bhakt Tukaram was a contemporary of which Mughal emperor? – Jahangir
97. Who was the Hindu saint to have as disciple both Hindus and Muslims? – Sri Chaitanya
98. Who was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message? – Ramananda
99. Which sequence indicates the correct chronological order? – Sankaracharya-Ramanuja-Chaitanya
100. Who was the most radia of the Bhakti Saints? – Kabir 

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