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திங்கள், 9 மே, 2016

LIC AAO Examination solved question

Computer Knowledge Solved Questions 

1. Single word reference to viruses, worms etc. is–
(a) harmware (b) virus (c) malware (d) phish (e) killerware (Ans : c)

2. Choosing a program instruction or data item from memory is called–
(a) Decoding (b) Storing (c) Fetching (d) Detaching (e) Encoding (Ans : c)

3. Mouse, trackball and joystick are the examples of–
(a) pointing devices (b) scanning devices (c) storing device (d) multimedia device (e) biometric device (Ans : a)

4. VLSI is A process in, creating Integrated Circuits. VLSI stands for–
(a) Very Large Scale Integration (b) Visual Large Scale Integration (c) Virtual Large Scale Integration
(d) Very Large Scale Internet (e) Visual Large Scale Internet (Ans : a)

5. What is a computer program?
(a) Computer software (b) An instruction (c) A computer activity to use
(d) A set of codes (e) A set of instructions that tells the computer what to do (Ans : e)

6. What is the logic at address of a webpage?
(a) Extension (b) Protocol (c) Directory (d) Domain (e) URL (Ans : e)

7. Which is not a storage device?
(a) Hard disk (b) DVD (c) Scanner (d) CD (e) Floppy disk (Ans : c)

8. A computer file, that is saved, is permanently saved on the–
(a) RAM (b) Hard disk (c) Monitor (d) ROM (e) Scanner (Ans : b)

9. ……….refers to the unauthorised copying and distribution of software.
(a) Software piracy (b) Hacking (c) Cracking (d) Plaganism (e) Software literacy (Ans : a)

10. USB in computer parlance stands for–
(a) Universal Serial Bus (b) Universal System Bus (c) Uncounted System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Backup (e) Universal System Backup (Ans : a)

11. To find information on the Web, it is best to use a ………. engine.
(a) web (b) program (c) search (d) spreadsheet (e) home page (Ans : c)

12. Microsoft Windows is a (an)–
(a) operating system (b) presentation program (c) database program
(d) graphics program (e) word processing program (Ans : a)

13. Converting the computer language of 1's and 2' s L to characters that a person can understand is called–
(a) Decoding (b) Selecting (c) Generating (d) Emailing-clip art (e) Highlighting (Ans : a)

14. Which of the following is not a search engine?
(a) Bing (b) Google (c) Orkut (d) Yahoo (e) None of these (Ans : c)

15. The Recycle Bin in a computer-stores
(a) Hidden files and folders (b) Hidden and Deleted folders (c) Deleted files and folders
(d) Files and folders in floppy device (e) Hidden and Deleted files (Ans : c)

16. Which of the following is smallest unit of data storage?
(a) TB (b) KB (c) MB (d) GB (e) Petabyte (Ans : b)

17. UNIX IS a(n)………. operating system.
(a) Windows (b) Mac (c) Expensive (d) Microsoft (e) Open-source (Ans : e)

18. A browser is–
(a) software tool for looking at web pages (b) software for creating web pages (c) tool for defining web pages
(d) software tool for describing web pages (e) software tool for looking at pages (Ans : a)

19. Which one of the following should not considered as a form of secondary storage?
(a) Floppy disk (b) Optical disk (c) Hard disk (d) Pen drive (e) RAM (Ans : e)

20. Which of the following is the correct order of the four major functions of a computer?
(a) Input, Output, Process, Storage (b) Process, Output. Input, Storage (c) Process, Storage, Input, Output
(d) Storage, Output, Process, Input. (e) Input, Process, Output, Storage (Ans : e)

21. A………. and monitor are the two main output devices for a computer system.
(a) plotter (b) storage device (c) printer (d) keyboard (e) mouse (Ans : c)

22. When you type a document on a computer, every letter you type is saved to the computer's ……….or temporary storage area.
(a) CPU (b) CD-ROM (c) ROM (d) RAM (e) Hard disk (Ans : c)

23. The term' megahertz or MHz' means–
(a) hundreds of cycles per minute (b) thousands of cycles per second (c) billions of cycles per second
(d) millions of cycles per minute (e) millions of cycles per second (Ans : e)

24. HTTP stands for–
(a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (b) Hyper Text Transfer Practical
(c) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (d) Hyper Text Transfer Practice (Ans : a)

25. Which of the following is an input device?
(a) Plotter (b) Scanner (c) Loudspeaker (d) Printer (e) ALU (Ans : b)

26. Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet?
(a) Word (b) Access (c) Excel (d) Smart cell (e) Lotus 1-2-3 (Ans : e)

27. What do you use to enter data into the computer from the following?
(b) Screen (b) Keyboard (c) Plotter (d) Printer (e) Speaker (Ans : b)

28. ………. is an example of browser software.
(a) Microsoft PowerPoint (b) Microsoft Publisher (c) Windows Explorer
(d) Microsoft Explorer (e) Internet Explorer (Ans : e)

29. Which of the following is a programming language?
(a) MS-Outlook (b) MS-Word (c) Netscape (d) Lotus (e) Pascal (Ans : e)

30. TXT, .DOC, .SMP in computing are–
(a) complex commands (b) file names (c) file extensions (d) file titles (e) keywords (Ans : c) 

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