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வியாழன், 5 ஜனவரி, 2017

Economic Glossary

Economic Glossary

Active MarketThis is a term used by stock exchange which specifies the particular stock or share which deals in frequent and regular transactions. It helps the buyers to obtain reasonably large amounts at any time.

Administered Price
The administrative body e.g., the government a marketing board or a trading group determines this price. The competitive market force are not entitled to determine this price. The government fixes a price in accordance with demand supply portion in the market.

Ad-valorem Tax
Ad-valorem tax is a kind of indirect tax in which goods are taxed by their values. In the case of ad-volorem tax, the tax amount is calculated as the proportion of the price of the goods. Value added Tax (VAT) is an ad-volorem Tax.

Advanced Countries
Advanced countries are countries which are industrially advanced, having high national and per capita income and ensure high rate of capital formation. These countries possess highly developed infrastructure and apply most updated and advanced technical know-how in their productive activities. A strong and well organised financial structure is found in these advanced countries.

It means ‘merger’. As and when necessity arises two or more companies are merged into a large organisation. This merger takes place in order to effect economies, reduce competition and capture market. The old firms completely lose their identity when the merger takes place.

Appreciation means an increase in the value of something e.g., stock of raw materials or manufactured goods. It also includes an increase in the traded value of a currency. It is the antonym of Depreciation. When the prices rise due to inflation, appreciation may occur. It causes scarcity or increase in earning power.

When a person performs functions of middle man and buys and sells goods at a particular time to cash the price differences of two markets, this action is termed as arbitrage. Purchases are made in the market where price is low and at the same time, goods are sold in other market where the price are high. Thus the middleman earns profit due to price difference in two markets.

Where there is an industrial dispute, the Arbitration comes to the force. The judgement is given by the Arbitrator. Both the parties have to accept and honour the Arbitration. Arbitration is the settlement of labour disputes that takes place between employer and the employees.

When a commodity is sold by auction, the bids are made by the buyers. Whose ever makes the highest bid, gets the commodity which is being sold. The buyers make the bid
taking into consideration the quality and quantity of the commodity.

If a country is self-sufficient, it does not require the imports for the country. Autarchy is an indicator of self-sufficiency. It means that the country itself can satisfy the needs of its population without making imports from other countries.

Automation means the use of machinery and technology to replace the labour’s work. Automation increases the demand of skilled workers. Unskilled and semiskilled workers are reduced as a result of automation.

Balanced Budget
When the total revenue of the government exactly equals the total expenditure incurred by the government, the budget becomes a balanced budget. But it is a conservative view point. In present days, the welfare government has to regulate a number of economic and social activities which increase the expenditure burden on the government and results in deficit budget.

Balance of Payment
Balance of payment of a country is a systematic record of all economic transactions completed between its residents and the residents of remaining world during a year. In other words, the balance of payment shows the relationship between the one country's total payment to all other countries and its total receipts from them. Balance of payment is a comprehensive term which includes both visible and invisible items. Balance of payment not only include visible export and imports but also invisible trade like shipping, banking, insurance, tourism, royalty, payments of interest on foreign debts.

Balance of Trade
Balance of trade refers to the total value of a country's export commodities and total value of imports commodities. Thus balance of trade includes only visible trade i.e., movement of goods (exports and imports of goods). Balance of trade is a part of Balance of payment statement.

Balance Sheet
Balance sheet is a statement showing the assets and liabilities of a business at a certain date. Balance sheet helps in estimating the real financial situation of a firm.

Bank is a financial institution. It accepts funds on current and deposit accounts. It also lends money. The bank pays the cheques drawn by customers against current and deposits accounts. The bank is a trader that deals in money and credit.

Bank Draft
Banker's draft is a negotiable claim drawn upon a bank. Drafts are as good as cash. The drafts cannot be returned and unpaid. Draft is issued when a customer shows his unwillingness to accept cheque in payment for his services or mercantile goods. Bank Draft is safer than a cheque.

Bank Rate
Bank Rate is the rate of discount at which the central bank of the country discounts first class bills. It is the rate of interest at which the central bank lends money to the lower banking institutions. Bank rate is a direct quantitative method of credit control in the economy.

It implies an agreement between two countries to extend to each other specific privileges in their international trade which are not extended to others.

Birth Rate
Birth Rate (or Crude Birth Rate) is number of the births per thousand of the population during a period, usually a year. Only live births are included in the calculation of birth rate.

Black Money
It is unaccounted money which is concealed from tax authorities. All illegal economic activities are dealt with this black Money. Hawala market has deep roots with this black money. Black money creates parallel economy. It puts an adverse pressure on equitable distribution of wealth and income in the economy.

Blue Chip
It is concerned with such equity shares whose purchase is extremely safe. It is a safe investment. It does not involve any risk.

Blue Collar Jobs
These Jobs are concerned with factory. Persons who are unskilled and depend upon manual jobs that require physical strain on human muscle are said to be engaged in Blue Collar Jobs. In the age of machinery, such Jobs are on the decline these days.

It means the drift of intellectuals of a country to another country. Scientists, doctors and technology experts generally go to other prominent countries of the world to better their lot and earn huge sums of money. This Brain-Drain deprives a country of its genius and capabilities.

Bridge Loan
A loan made by a bank for a short period to make up for a temporary shortage of cash. On the part of borrower, mostly the companies for example, a business organization wants to install a new company with new equipments etc. while his present installed company / equipments etc. are not yet disposed off. Bridge loan covers this period between the buying the new and disposing of the old one.

It is a document containing a preliminary approved plan of public revenue and public expenditure. It is a statement of the estimated receipt and expenses during a fixed period, it is a comparative table giving the accounts of the receipts to be realized and of the expenses to be incurred.

Budget Deficit
Budget may take a shape of deficit when the public revenue falls short to public expenditure. Budget deficit is the difference between the estimated public expenditure and public revenue. The government meets this deficit by way of printing new currency or by borrowing.

Bull is that type of speculator who gains with the rise in prices of shares and stocks. He buys share or commodities in anticipation of rising prices and sells them later at a profit.

Bull Market
It is a market where the speculators buy shares or commodities in anticipation of rising prices. This market enables the speculators to resale such shares and make a profit.

When the government fails to check inflation, it raises income tax and the corporate tax. Such a tax is called Buoyancy. It concerns with the revenue from taxation in the period of inflation.

Business Cycle
Business cycle (also known as trade cycle) are species of fluctuations in the economic activity of organised communities. It is composed of period of good trade characterised
by rising prices and low unemployment, alternating with period of bad trade characterised by falling prices and high unemployment. Every trade cycle have five different subphases–depression, recovery, full employment, prosperity (boom) and recession.

Call Money
Call money is in the form of loans and advances which are payable on demand or within the number of days specified for the purpose.

Capital Budgeting
Capital budgeting represents the process of preparing budget for a period of a year or even for several years allocating capital outlays for the various investment projects. In other words, it is the process of budgeting capital expenditure by means of an annual or longer period capital budget.

Capital-labour Ratio
Latest models of machinery and equipment raise the labour efficiency and the output is maximized. Capitallabour ratio is the amount of capital against the given labours that a firm employs. Capital-labour ratio is the ratio of capital to labour.

Capital Market
Capital market is the market which gives medium term and long term loans. It is different from money market which deals only in short term loans.

Capitalism is an economic system in which all means of production are owned by private individuals Selfprofit motive is the guiding feature for all the economic activates under capitalism. Under pure capitalism system economic conditions are regulated solely by free market forces. This system is based on ‘Laissez-faire system’ i.e., no state intervention. Sovereignty of consumer prevails in this system. Consumer behaves like a king under capitalism.

Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
The commercial banks are required to keep a certain amount of cash reserves at the central bank. This percentage amount is called CRR. It influences the commercial bank’s volume of credit because variation in CRR affects the liquidity position of the banks and hence their ability to lend.

Census gives us estimates of population. Census is of great economic importance for the country. It tells us the rate at which the total population is increasing among different age groups. In India census is done after every 10 years. The latest census in India has been done in 2001.

Central Bank
Central Bank may be defined as the apex barking and monetary institution whose main function is to control, regulate and stabilize the banking and the monetary system of the country in the national interest.

Cheque is an order in writing issued by the drawer to a bank. If the customer has sufficient amount in his account, the cheque is paid by the bank. Cheques are used in place of cash money.

Clearing Bank
Clearing bank is one which settles the debits and credits of the commercial banks. Even of the cash balances are lesser, clearing bank facilitates banking operation of the commercial bank.

Clearing House
Clearing house is an institution which helps to settle the mutual indebtedness that occurs among the members of its organisation.

Closed Economy
Closed economy refers to the economy having no foreign trade (i.e., export and import). Such economies depend exclusively on their own internal domestic resources and have
no dependence on outside world.

Producers of an industry reduce competition among themselves to raise their profits. They fix the price themselves with a clear understanding in this regard. This understanding among different firms is called collusion.

Art and practice of making coins is called coinage. The metal is melted and moulded to shape into a coin. The coinage is a medium of exchange (money).

Collectivism is a belief that nation's interest is superior to individual interest. This is the collective thinking of the society and polity national leaders and also communist opine the theory of collection.

Commercial Bank
Commercial Bank is an institution of finance. It deals with the banking services through its branches in whole of the country. Operation of current accounts, deposits, granting of loans to individuals and companies etc. are various functions of the commercial bank.

Communism is a political and economic system in which the state makes the major economic decision State owns the bulk of capital assets. Responsibility for production and distribution lies with the state in this system.

Core Sector
Economy needs basic infrastructure for accelerating development. Development of infrastructure industries like cement, iron and steel, petroleum, heavy machinery etc. can only ensure the development of the economy as a whole. Such industries are core sector industries.

Corporation Tax
It is a tax on company's profit. It is a direct tax which is calculated on profits after interest payments and allowance (i.e., Capital allowance) have been deducted but before dividends are allowed for.

Cost-push Inflation
It arises due to an increase in production cost. Such type of inflation is caused by three factors : (i) an increase in wages, (ii) an increase in the profit margin and (iii) imposition of heavy taxation.

Credit Rationing
Credit rationing takes place when the banks discriminates between the borrowers. Credit rationing empowers the bank to lend to some and to refuse to lend to others. In this way credit rationing restricts lending on the part of bank.

Credit Squeeze
Monetary authorities restrict credit as and when required. This credit restriction is called credit squeeze. Monetary authorities adopt the policy of credit squeeze to control inflationary pressure in the economy.

Custom Duty
Custom duty is a duty that is imposed on the products received from exporting nations of the world. It is also called protective duty as it protects the home industries.

Cyclical Unemployment
It is that phase of unemployment which appears due to the occurrence of the downward phase of the trade cycle. Such an employment is reduced or eliminated when the business
cycle turns up again.

Dear Money
Dear money is that money which can only be borrowed at a high rate of interest. In dear money policy, bank rate and other rates of interest are high and as a result borrowing becomes expensive. Dear money policy is deliberate policy which is adopted by the monetary authorities to check inflation in the economy.

Death Duty
It is a direct tax which is imposed on the estate of deceased person. Death duty or Death Tax is a form of personal tax on property which is levied when property passes from one person to other at the time of death of the former.

Death Rate
Death rate signifies the number of deaths in a year per thousand of the population. It is mostly known as crude death rate. Life expectancy is important determinant of death rate.
A country having high life expectancy will have a high crude death rate.

Decentralisation means the establishment of various unit of the same industry at different places. Large scale organisation or industry can not be run at one particular place or territory. In order to increase the efficiency of the industry, various units at different places are located.

Debt Service (Total)
The sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in foreign currency, goods and services on longterm debt (having maturity of more than one year), interest paid on shortterm debt and repayments to IMF.

Deficit Financing
It is a practice resorted to by modern government of spending more money than it receives in revenue. It is a policy of bridging a deficit between governments expenditure and revenue. Deliberately budgeting for a deficit is called deficit financing. This practice was popularised by Prof. J. M. Keynes to deal with the depression and unemployment situations and to stimulate economic activity. Deficit financing, though having inflationary effects, has now become a common practice in all countries.

Deflation is the reverse case of inflation. Deflation is that state of falling prices which occurs at that time when the output of goods and services increases more rapidly than the volume of money in the economy. In the deflation the general price level falls and the value of money rises.

The loss of value of currency of a country relative to other foreign currency is known as devaluation. Devaluation is a process in which the government deliberately cheapens the exchange value of its own currency in terms of other currency by giving it a lower exchange value. Devaluation is used for improving, the balance of payment situation in the country.

Direct Tax
A tax is said to be a direct tax when it is not intended to be shifted to anybody else. The person who pays it in the first instance is also excepted to bear it. Thus the impact and incidence of direct tax fall on the same person shifting of direct tax is not possible Income Tax is a example of direct tax.

It refers to a process of bringing down prices moderately from their high level without any adverse impact on production and employment. Thus, disinflation is an anti-inflationary measure.

Dissaving occurs when expenditure exceeds income. Raising of loans or utilization of past accumulated savings takes place in such eventuality.

Dividend is the amount which the company distributes to shareholders when the profits of the company are calculated by the board of directors.

Economic Integration
Economic integration appears when two or more nations coordinate themselves and their economies are linked up. It may exhibit itself in the form of free trade area or a full economic union. EEC is an example of economic integration.

Engel's Law
This law was formulated by Ernst Engel. This law states that, with given taste and preference, the portion of income spend on food diminishes as income increases. According to this law, smaller a person's income, the greater the proportion of it that he will spend on food and vice versa.

Estate Duty
It is a tax which is levied on the estate of a decreased person. It is also known as death duty. The ownership of state changes hands only after the payments of the estate duty. It is an progressive tax in nature.

Excise Duty
It is a tax which is imposed on certain indigenous production (e.g., petroleum products, cigarettes etc.) of the country. Excise duty may be imposed either to raise revenue or to check the consumption of the commodities on which they are imposed. Excise duty is progressive in nature.

Face Value
It refers to that normal value of coin at which the coin circulates and is accepted in the discharge of debit or obligation. Broadly speaking, the face value refers to domination stamped on a coin / or documents when it is issued. In securities, it refers to par value.

It is a form of political system. In it every economic consideration rests on one criterion—the increase in the people's standard of living. It also lays emphasis on military
strength and prestige of the country. It is the extreme nationalism and the ultimate goal is self-sufficiency.

Federal Economy
It refers to a federation which is an association of two and more states. A federal state is a union of state in which authority is divided between the federal (or central) government and the state governments. In a federal economy both the centre and the states are independent in the exercise of this authority.

Fiduciary Issue
Generally bank-note are backed by gold. But when they are not backed by gold and government securities replace gold, it is called fiduciary issue. Such fiduciary issue results in inflation.

Fertility Rate
The term fertility refers to the actual bearing of children or ‘occurrence of births’. Fertility rate measures the average number of the live births per 1000 women. This rate is one of the most important and useful aids to population projection. It helps in assessing population trends in the economy.

Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy is that part of government economic policy which deals with taxation, expenditure, borrowing, and the management of public debt in the economy. Fiscal policy primarily concerns itself with the flow of funds in the economy. Fiscal policy primarily concerns itself with the flow of funds in the economy. It exerts a very powerful influence on the working of economy as a whole.

GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure) is a composite index measuring gender inequality in three basic dimensions of empowerment–economic participation and decision making, political participation and decision making, and power over economic resources.

GDI (Gender Related Development Index) is a composite index measuring average achievement in the three basic dimensions captured in the human development index–a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living–adjusted to account for inequalities between men and women.

It represents the measurement of inequality derived from the ‘Lorenz Curve,’ with every increase in the degree of inequality, the curvature of the Lorenz Curve also increases and
the area between the curve and 45° line becomes larger.
The Gini-coefficient is measured as—
G =Area between Lorenz Curve and 45° Line/Area above the 45° Line

Giffin Goods
Giffin goods have the positive relationship between price and quantity demanded and as a result demand curve of Giffin goods slopes upward from left to right. This phenomenon was first observed by Sir Robert Giffin in relation to the demand for bread by poor labours.

Gresham's Law
“Bad money (if not limited in quantity) drives good money out of circulation”—This statement was given by Sir Thomas Gresham, the economic Adviser of Queen Elizabeth. This law states that people always want to hoard good money and spend bad money when two forms of money are in circulation at the same time.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
It is the money value of all final goods and services produced within the geographical boundaries of the country during a given period of time (usually a year). GDP can be calculated both at current prices and at constant prices. If we add net factor income from abroad to the GDP, we get ‘Gross National Product’ (GNP).

Gross National Product (GNP)
It refers to the money value of total output or production of final goods and services produced by the nationals of a country during a given period of time, generally a year.

Gross National Product Deflator
It is a Price Index Number used to correct the money value of Gross National Product (GNP) for price changes so as to isolate the changes which have taken place in the physical output of goods and services.

Guild Socialism
This form of socialism accepts the leadership of artisans. The operation of the whole economy specially the management and control of industries lies in the hands of artisans Socialism established by artisans is termed a Guild Socialism.

HDI (Human Development Index) is a composite index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human life–a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.

Import Duty
Import duty is a tax on imports imposed on an ad-valorem basis i.e., fixed in the form of a percentage on the value of the commodity imported.

Indirect Tax
Indirect tax is that tax which is levied on goods or services produced or purchased. Indirect taxes are those which are demanded from one person in the expectation and intention that he shall indemnify himself at the expense to another.

A situation of a steady and sustained rise in general prices is usually known as inflation. Inflation is a state in which the value of money is falling i.e., prices are rising.

Joint Demand
Joint demand appears in case of complementary goods. When two commodities are complementary to one another and cannot be used separately, they have joint demand. Bread and butter, sugar and tea, pen and ink are a few examples of joint demand. In joint demand a change in demand of one commodity bring about the proportionate change in demand for the other.

Joint Sector
When a sector is jointly owned, managed and run by both public and private sector, it is called joint sector. This sector indicates the partnership between the two i.e., public and private sector.

Labour Union
Labour union represents that organisation of workers which works for improving working condition of labours and also for raising their wage by adopting ‘collective bargaining’ measures with the management of the industry in particular.

Laffer Curve
This curve is given by American economist Prof. Arthur Laffer. It represents relationship between total tax revenue and corresponding tax rates.

Laissez Faire
It is a French word meaning ‘non-interference’. This doctrine was popularised by classical economists who gave the view that government should interfere as little as possible in the economic activities of the individuals.

Life Expectancy at Birth
The number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing pattern of age specific mortality rates at the time of birth were to stay the same throughout the child’s life.

It refers to the termination (or winding up) of a registered company. Liquidation takes place because of company's insolvency. In liquidation, assets are turned into cash for settling outstanding debts and for apportioning the balance, if any, amongst the owners.

Assets which can easily be converted into cash money are said to have liquidity. Land does not possess liquidity at it takes longer time to get converted into cash.

Liquidity Ratio
The commercial banks under banking regulations have to maintain a certain specified proportion of their total deposits of various categories in liquid assets. This maintainable proportion is called liquidity ratio.

Lock-out refers to such a situation when the management does not permit the workers to work unless they agree to accept the employer's term. Lock-out is the closing of work by the management for an uncertain period of time to put pressure on the labour union. It is an action by the employer equivalent to a strike by employees.

Lorentz Curve
This curve shows the degree of inequalities of a frequency distribution in a graphical manner. It is a curve on a graph which shows the cumulative proportion of a statistical population against this cumulative share of some characteristic. This curve is commonly used to depict income distribution showing the cumulative percentage of people from the poorest up and their cumulative share of national income.

Lump Sum Tax
Lump sum tax is a fixed amount which has imperative nature irrespective of the income level. This tax is not equitable in nature.

Merit Goods
Merit goods refer those goods that are very essential to the society as a whole and hence the government ensures their availability to all consumers, regardless of their ability to pay to reasonable price.

Mixed Economy
It refers to that economic system in which both private and public sector co-exists. Indian economy is an example of a mixed economy.

Monetary Policy
Monetary policy comprises all measures applied by the monetary authorities with a view to produce a deliberate impact on the nature and volume of money so as to achieve the objectives of general economic policy. It aims at regulating the flow of currency, credit and other money substitutes in an economy with a view to affect the total stock of such assets as well as to influence the demand of the community for such assets.

Monetary Reforms
When a new currency is introduced in a country due to hyperinflation or due to a deliberate policy measure (such as decimalization) it is termed as monetary reform.

Monopoly refers to that market structure where there is only one seller in the market who controls the entire market supply and no substitute of the product is available in the market.

Monopsony is that market situation in which there is only one single buyer of the product in the market. In other word, ‘buyer's monopoly’ is termed as monopsony.

Multinational Company
It is a large scale company which has its production base in several countries and the bulk of the production is produced in outside nations. This company produces more overseas
than they do in its parent country. Increased trade and economies of scale have encouraged such type of companies in the recent years.

National Income
In the simplest way it can be defined as ‘factor income accruing to the national residents of a country.’ It is the sum of domestic factor income and net factor income earned from abroad. Net national product at factor cost is called national income.

Net National Product (NNP)
When depreciation is deducted from GNP i.e., Gross National Product, we get Net National Product (NNP).

Oligopoly is that form of imperfect competition in which there are only a few firms in the industry (or group) producing either homogeneous products or may be having product differentiation in a given line of production.

Open Economy
Open economy is that economy which is left free and the government imposes no restrictions on trade with areas outside that economy.

Okun’s Law
Arthur Okun presented an empirical relationship between cyclical movements in GNP and unemployment. Okun found that an annual 2•5% increase in the rate of real growth above the trend growth results in a 1% decrease in the rate of unemployment. This relationship is known as Okun’s Law.

Perfect Competition
Perfect competition is the market in which there are many firms selling identical products with no firm large enough relative to the entire market to be able to influence market price.

Poverty Line
Poverty line is a virtual line demarcating persons living below and above it. In India all those persons are treated living below poverty line who are not able to earn that much of income which is not sufficient to acquire food equivalent to 2100 calories per person per day in urban areas and 2400 calories per person per day in rural areas. As per UNDP, one US dollar (1993 PPP US $) per person per day is treated as poverty line.

PQLI is known as Physical Quality of Life Index which is used to assess the level of social development. This index was developed by Jim Grant for The Overseas Development Council PQLI is calculated by using indices of (i) Adult literacy rate, (ii) IMR, (iii) Life Expectancy.

Price Mechanism
Price mechanism signifies the working of those market forces which establishes equilibrium in the economy. Laissez faire policy is the basis for the working of price mechanism.

Price Ring
It is an unofficial syndicate by which the prices are controlled with the prior understanding among the traders. These dealers under a price ring decide not to over-bid one another at the public auction to keep the prices low. This price ring may discourage outsiders from coming to the auctions.

Private Sector
Private Sector is that part of the economy which is not owned by the government and is under the hands of private enterprise. In other words, private sector is not under direct government control. Private sector includes the personal as well as the corporate sector.

Privatisation is the antithesis of nationalisation. When the government owned public industries are denationalised and the disinvestment process is initiated, it is called privatisation.

Public Debt
Public debt represents borrowing by the state and public authorities. All loans taken by the public authorities constitute public debt.

Public Goods
Public goods are those goods which belong to the entire community. None of the individual of the society can be made deprived of using these public goods. National defence, Police, Street lighting etc. are examples of public goods.

Public Sector
Public sector signifies those undertakings which are owned, managed and run by public authorities. Public sector includes direct government enterprise, the nationalized industries and public corporations. In this sector of the economy the government acts itself as an entrepreneur.

Peril Point
It indicates that point beyond which tariff reductions would threaten the existence of domestic industry.

Quick Asset
Those assets are quick assets which are liquid or nearly liquid in nature and easily be turned into cash.

Quoted Company
That company is called quoted company whose share prices are quoted on a stock exchange.

It signifies general increase in the level of business activity in the economy. Reflation generally involves greater government expenditure and the easing of credit to encourage increased production.

Regressive Tax
It is a tax in which rate of taxation falls with an increase in income. In regressive taxation incidence falls more on people having lower incomes than that of those having higher incomes.

Repressed Inflation
It is a state in which aggregate demand is greater than the total supply of goods and services in an economy, but prices are prevented from rising to eliminate excess demand. The holding down of price is sometimes done by government as a means of suppressing inflation.

Reserve Asset Ratio
It is the ratio of a bank’s reserve assets to its eligible liabilities.

Revolving Credit
It is a bank credit that is renewed automatically until notice of cancellation is received. Revolving credits may be sanctioned for an unlimited amount in total but with a limit on
the amount that may be drawn at any one time or within a specified period, e.g., one month.

Seasonal Unemployment
It is that unemployment which is caused by seasonal variation in demand for labour by various industries, such as agriculture, construction and tourism. Seasonal unemployment
normally declines in spring as more outdoor work can be undertaken.

Security refers to a share, bond or government stock that can be bought and sold, usually on the stock exchange or on a secondary market, and carries a right to some form of income, either in the form of a fixed rate of interest or dividends.

Shadow Price
It is an imputed value for a good based on the opportunity costs of the resources used to produce it such values are of particular significance in resolving problems of resource allocating with respect to the effect on welfare.

Share Capital
It is the amount of money raised by a company by issuing shares. The authorized share capital is the amount that a company is allowed to issue as laid down in its Articles of Association. The issued share capital is the amount actually issued i.e., the number of issued shares multiplied by their par value. Fully paid share capital is the amount raised by payment of the full par value of the issued shares.

Single Tax System
It is a system in which all tax revenues are raised from one form of taxation.

The political doctrine that the means of production (machines, materials and output) should be owned by society and specifically either by the state, as in the case of nationalized industries or by the workers directly, as in the case of producer co-operatives.

Social Security
Provision by the state out of taxation of welfare assistance to those in need as a result of illness, unemployment, or old age compare national insurance refers to social security.

Soft Currency
A currency with limited convertibility into gold and other currencies, either because it is depreciating due to balance of payments difficulties or because controls have been placed on it to prevent the exchange rate falling.

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
It is a reserve asset (known as ‘Paper Gold’) created within the framework of the International Monetary Fund in an attempt to increase international liquidity, and now forming a part of countries official reserves along with gold, reserve positions in the IMF and convertible foreign currencies.

Special Tax (Unit Tax)
It is a tax imposed per unit of a commodity rather than on the value of the commodity compare ad-valorem.

Stabilization Policy
It is Government economic policy announced at reducing the cyclical and other fluctuations that take place in a market economy.

It is a state of the economy in which economic activity is slowing down, but wages and prices continue to rise. The term is a blend of the words stagnation and inflation.

Surplus Value
It is the difference between the amount paid to a factor and the revenue earned by selling the output it produced.

It is a tax or a duty on imports, which can be levied either on physical units, e.g., per tonne (specific), or on value (ad-valorem). Tariffs may be imposed for a variety of reasons including; to raise government revenue, to protect domestic industry from subsidized or low-wage imports, to boost domestic employment, or to ease a deficit on the balance of payments.

Trade Gap
It signifies the size of the deficit (or surplus) in the balance of trade i.e., the difference in value between visible imports and exports.

Trade Union
It is an organisation of employees who join together to further their interests. Trade Unions negotiate on behalf of their members in collective bargaining with employers, and in the event of a dispute may put pressure on employers by withdrawing labour (i.e. strike) or by some less drastic form of action (i.e. go-slow, working to rule).

Transfer Payment
It is a payment made by public authority other than one made in exchange for goods or services produced. Transfer payments are not the part of National Income. Examples includes unemployment benefit and child benefits.

Vital Statistics
Vital statistics refers to those data which are associated with vital events of masses like birth, death, marriage divorce etc.

VAT (Value Added Tax)
VAT seeks to tax the value added at every stage of manufacturing and sale, with a provision of refunding the amount of VAT already paid at the earlier stages to avoid double taxation. In other words, the tax already paid can be claimed at the next stage of value addition.

Wealth Tax
Wealth tax is that tax which is imposed on the value of total assets but the wealth upto a certain limit is exempted from such tax.

Welfare State
It refers to a nation that provides to all at least the minimum standards in respect of education, health, housing, pensions and other social benefits.

Wholesale Price Index
Wholesale Price Index is that index which is calculated on the basis of wholesale prices. It is calculated in a similar way to the Retail Price Index.

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